5 Causes of Your Vagina Smelling Bad


Medical Video: Vaginal Odor Medical Course

Every woman's vagina has its own aroma. Generally, it is normal that there is a slight odor in the woman's vagina. But, if the aroma is strong like a fishy odor and lasts for a long time, there might be a problem with your vagina. This abnormal vaginal odor usually occurs due to infection and is usually accompanied by itching, burning and anger.

The most common cause of vaginal odor

As explained earlier, the smell in the vagina is normal and normal. However, vaginal odor comes from natural bacteria as well as fluid produced by the vagina. This collection of bacteria and fluids is acidic, ie with normal pH acidity 4.5.

The acidity of the female organ is actually important to prevent bacterial or viral infections. Precisely if the acidity is disturbed, the vagina becomes more susceptible to bad bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that cause disease. But, there are several other causes that can cause vaginal odor, for example:

1. The food you consume

Sometimes, what you eat can affect the smell of your body and vagina, you know. One of the foods that are susceptible to causing unpleasant odors to the body include garlic, onion, asparagus, and curry spiced foods. To deal with this vaginal odor, it's a good idea to try to reduce some of the food samples above.

2. Are taking certain drugs

Another reason why your vagina smells is a result of consuming certain drugs. Antibiotics usually affect the balance of vaginal bacteria, the results can sometimes cause vaginal odor. While antihistamine drugs can cause a reduction in the vaginal and vaginal natural fluids it will feel dry.

3. You have just finished menstruation

There are also causes of vaginal odor which can change with a woman's menstrual cycle. You may feel a stronger odor after finishing your period. In most cases, this is usually caused by hormonal changes or remnants of the lining of the uterus (endometrium) that are involved.

4. Sweat in the area of ​​the vagina and groin

Just like the armpit, the skin around the genitals and the groin of women also produces sweat. Sweat is actually easy to happen if women like to wear tight pants and do not use materials that absorb sweat. This vaginal odor is a natural smell, although sometimes it doesn't smell good. To minimize odor, change clothes after exercising and wear clothes that absorb sweat.

5. Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes can also be a cause of changes in your vagina, especially the aroma. Hormonal therapy, use of birth control pills, and decreased estrogen levels (menopause) can also cause an increase in bacteria and cause odor in the vagina.

How do you deal with an unpleasant vaginal odor?

If you are worried about accompanying vaginal odor accompanied by some symptoms such as itching, irritation or accompanied by headaches, it's a good idea to see a doctor for a vaginal health examination.

Meanwhile, to minimize vaginal odor, you can use special feminine cleaning fluid that you can use when your vagina feels smelly. Choose female antiseptics containing povidone iodine.

Don't forget not to leave the vagina in a moist state, and it's important to avoid douching the vagina independently. Because basically every vagina contains bacteria, but douching generally will disrupt the acid and bacterial balance in your vagina.

5 Causes of Your Vagina Smelling Bad
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