Coffee Using Butter, Healthier Than Using Sugar


Medical Video: Ketogenic Coffee Recipe - World's Best Tasting Zero Sugar Coffee - High In Healthy Fats

There are many healthy food trends out there, but this one might be quite strange: drinking coffee using butter instead of sugar or creamer.

But wait a minute.

Don't use any butter

Coffee using butter, aka butter coffee, created by Dave Asprey, a businessman in the field of technology. He stressed that the butter used must be the type unsalted butter grass-fed organic, aka organic butter and not added salt, which comes from cattle that are only grass-fed. Wow! And it's not just butter that must be added to your morning coffee cup. To make butter coffee dubbed the Bulletproof Coffee, continued Asprey, you should also add a little MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides) made from coconut oil and palm oil extracts.

Caffeine in ordinary coffee is only able to provide an energy shock at the beginning which will quickly swoop down. No wonder that after a cup of morning coffee, you are still sleepy and lethargic even before approaching lunch time. On the other hand, butter coffee His ability to improve and manage energy better. The combination of butter and MCT oil gives you a supply of healthy fatty acids that keep you productive for longer periods of time and various other benefits, such as weight loss.

So, what is the trend coffee butter right save a myriad of health benefits as heralded?

Nutrient content of butter in a cup of black coffee

Organic grass-eating products from grass-fed cows contain high micronutrients and a much healthier ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids than conventional feed cattle - almost similar to the fatty acids found in oily fish. We need to consume fat for the body to function properly, especially essential fatty acids (polyunsaturated fats). Furthermore, butter derived from cattle fed only grass is reported to be able to reduce body fat mass in people who are overweight and anti-inflammatory.

Meanwhile, MCT is a derivative product of coconut oil that has a unique form of fat so that it is easier to digest in the body when compared to other types of oil. "There is some scientific evidence that shows that regular consumption of MCT oil can stimulate fat burning in the long run, although the effect is mild," said Christopher Ochner, Ph.D., associate professor of The New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center in St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, reported from Women's Health. MCT, continued Ochner, is also able to help regulate cholesterol levels in the blood and increase the body's metabolism.

In theory, using coffee butter will produce a prolonged satiety and energy boost that is more qualified than the ups and downs of caffeine that you normally experience if you drink regular black coffee. This benefit comes from the insulin response which decreases when metabolizing fat which replaces carbohydrates at breakfast time. Fat slows digestion so it will slow the absorption of caffeine into the bloodstream. Fat is also more filling than other nutrients, so if you add butter in your morning coffee, you may feel full longer. For many people, slowing down insulin work will make them feel more conscious and alert, focused, and powerful because their blood sugar levels will be more stable when compared to a full carbohydrate breakfast.

Does not meancoffee butteris a healthy drink

"Caffeinated drinks, such as coffee and tea, are indeed proven to have health benefits - antioxidants, increased cognitive function, mental acuity, and even a reduced risk of death - but it's hard to label butter coffee "This is a 'healthy' drink," said Jenna A. Bell, PhD, RD, dietitian sport and author of Energy to Burn: The Ultimate Food & Nutrition Guide to Fuel Your Active Lifestyle, reported by Shape.

Butter and MCT oil are two ingredients that are very high in saturated fat. Although this unique coffee concoction will make you feel full longer, it should be noted that one tablespoon of butter and a spoonful of MCT oil will add more than 100 percent of the recommended daily saturated fat intake. Too much saturated fat can contribute to increasing levels of bad cholesterol, LDL. Some health experts warn that LDL can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

In addition, coffee using butter also contains high calories; about an extra 200-300 calories per cup than the calories contained in black coffee. If you drink regularly butter coffeea cup a day, all year long, meaning you will get an additional 9 to 14 kilograms in a year. And, if you only rely on it coffee butter As a diet trick without exercise, it's almost impossible to lose weight by eating more calories.

But, if you are bored with the taste of ordinary black coffee and want a little change. Why not try it? Next, we include a recipe of butter coffee that you can mix yourself at home.

Coffee butter recipe

What you need:

  • 240 ml of water
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons of your choice of black coffee
  • 1 teaspoon of MCT oil or coconut oil (coconut oil contains natural MCT)
  • 1 tablespoon grass-fed, unsalted butter

How to make:

  • Brew coffee as usual or filter it if you have a coffee filter machine.
  • Add all the ingredients in a blender for 20 seconds until the coffee is foamy (like pull coffee) and there is no trace of oil and butter that appears on the surface. Serve immediately.


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Coffee Using Butter, Healthier Than Using Sugar
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