5 Common Causes of Red Rashes in the Wrist, from Eczema to Scabies


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Rash is one of the common skin problems affecting children to the elderly. The wrist becomes one of the parts of the body that is prone to rashes because the skin is quite sensitive and is exposed to many foreign substances. The following are various causes of rashes on the wrist that you need to know.

Various causes of rashes on the wrist

1. Allergic reactions

cold allergy

A rash on the wrist can be caused by an allergic reaction. These reddish symptoms on the skin can be caused by various items that you use such as watches and bracelets. However, you can also experience allergies because of detergent, soap, latex, lanolin, and formaldehyde.

When a substance causes an allergic reaction, this condition is called allergic contact dermatitis. These allergies usually irritate the skin and cause a reddish spots reaction that usually appears within 2 to 3 days.

2. Scabies


Scabies is a health condition caused by small mites. Mites then multiply on the surface of the skin to lay eggs. As a result the skin reacts by showing a reaction like the skin has a reddish rash with small spots that are usually filled with fluid. If you have scabies, the skin will feel very itchy. Generally, itching will increase at night.

Rashes due to scabies occur not only on the wrist but also can attack other parts of the body and usually vary according to age. In young children and babies usually scabies will attack the head, neck, shoulders and hands. But in older children and adults, more scabies are found on the wrist, between the fingers, abdomen, breasts, armpits, and genitals.

3. Neurodermatitis

Source: National Eczema Association

Neurodermatitis is a skin problem that causes dark red spots that itch. Usually, this condition attacks the neck, wrists, forearms, thighs and ankles. This itching makes the affected skin thicker and coarser. But even though itching scratches it can actually make the itchiness more and more. The itching you feel can be quite intense or come and go. Even though it is not an infectious disease, this condition is very disturbing to your daily life and rest time if you have a relapse.

4. Creeping eruption

creeping eruption
Source: Diseasedoctor.com

Creeping eruption is a skin disease caused by larval infection non human hookworm Ancylostoma braziliensis or Ancylostoma caninum originating from cats or dogs. This larvae penetrate human skin and cause symptoms such as blisters, reddish protruding, and accompanied by itching and heat. Usually this condition occurs when you experience direct contact with soil or sand that has been contaminated with dog or cat feces.

Creeping eruption is more common in children than adults. These skin problems generally disappear by themselves. However, there are treatments that can relieve symptoms and accelerate healing.

5. Eczema

treat skin eczema

If the rash on the wrist does not go away, you may experience eczema. The skin affected by eczema will experience dry, scaly patches like lift. This condition is very itchy and prone to inflammation especially if scratched. If you continue to scratch it will usually emerge fluid from the skin which can make the eczema widen to the other skin parts.

If you have eczema, try to keep the skin moist. Doctors will usually prescribe a steroid cream containing anthraline or coal tar. In addition, antihistamines are also usually prescribed to relieve itching.

5 Common Causes of Red Rashes in the Wrist, from Eczema to Scabies
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