Can CTM be used as a sleeping pill?



CTM or chlorpheniramine maleate is a drug to treat allergy symptoms. However, lately CTM has also been used as a sleeping pill by many people. The side effects of CTM that can cause drowsiness make it difficult for sleep-deprived people to use this medicine to help them sleep. That is, the use of this drug to sleep is not the right thing. Then, is it safe to use CTM as a sleeping pill?

What is CTM?

CTM is one drug that can be used to treat allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. In addition, CTM drugs can also be used to cure colds, rhinitis, or allergies related to other respiratory tracts. This drug is a drug that contains antihistamines, so it can stop the action of histamine in the body which can cause allergic reactions.

Is CTM including sleeping pills?

CTM does not include sleeping pills. Although the side effects of CTM are drowsiness after drinking it, CTM is not appropriate for sleeping pills. The use of CTM for sleeping pills is one of drug abuse.

If you experience sleep disorders, maybe the wrong thing is from your lifestyle. For example, drinking coffee a few hours before bedtime that makes you unable to sleep or your sleep is too late from the time you usually sleep.

So, do not rush to take medication when you experience sleep disorders. If the sleep problems that you experience often occur and interfere with your daily life, you should consult your sleep problems to the doctor. The doctor will prescribe sleeping pills that suit your needs.

What are the side effects of CTM as sleeping pills?

Although most sleeping pills also contain antihistamines (such as those found in CTM), the use of CTM as a sleeping pill is still inappropriate. After all, the longer you use CTM as a sleeping pill, the less likely it is to make you sleepy.

Why? Because your body's tolerance for the effects of sedatives (soothing and drowsiness) can develop rapidly. As a result, you may take more CTM doses again and again to make you sleepy. Of course, this is not good and can cause side effects for health.

The dose in one CTM drink for adults is 4 mg / day. Meanwhile, the limit of using CTM in a day is a maximum of 24 mg / day. If you take CTM in doses that are more than the recommended limit, side effects may occur.

Some of the side effects that can be caused from using CTM are:

  • Dizzy
  • Dry mouth, nose and throat
  • Constipation
  • Blurred vision
  • Faster and irregular heartbeat
  • Feel nervous or nervous
  • Mood swings
  • Tremor or spasm
  • The body is easily bruised or bleeding
  • Hard to breathe
  • Urinate less or not at all

If you experience these side effects, you should stop using CTM and immediately consult your doctor.

Can CTM be used as a sleeping pill?
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