5 Health Problems You May Face If You Like to Ride on an Airplane


Medical Video: Pilots Reveal 16 Nuances That Make Your Flight Safe

More and more airlines are offering cheap travel tickets for you to travel, whether it's just domestic or overseas. But make no mistake. Hours of sitting inside capsules of airplanes are quietly dangerous for your health. What are the risks of boarding an airplane for passengers? Check out the 5 air travel diseases below.

Various risks of flying an airplane that may be faced by passengers

1. Affected by flu

One of the many diseases of air travel that is experienced is flu. According to the Journal of Environmental Health Research in 2004, the flu that occurs is usually caused by low humidity in the plane and the small scope of air circulation that makes the virus easily move to one person and the other.

In addition, there are several risks of serious illnesses that can be carried away from the food you eat on an airplane, then adjusting for poor body temperature. Poor body adjustment can cause you to feel nauseous, fever and even sudden death.

2. Blood clots occur

Blood clotting in the foot (deep vein thrombosis) is one of the risks of boarding the flight that passengers face most often. Because you will be required to sit long in a narrow cabin until you arrive at your destination. If allowed to continue, this blood clot can escape and travel to the lungs to cause pulmonary embolism.

There are some people who have risk factors for blood clotting, especially those who are obese, people who are new to surgery, heart disease, middle age, and women who are pregnant or are taking birth control pills.

3. Temporary deafness

If you frequently travel by plane, chances are you can experience temporary hearing loss. The reason is that the average noise level when traveling air travel can reach 110 decibels, according to The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Safe limit of safe sound noise is 88 decibels within 4 to 5 hours of flight.

4. Jet Lag

Jet lag is a sleep disorder as a risk of boarding a "hobby" plane to haunt travelers. Jet lag is more common in long flight passengers who pass through several different time zones (usually different countries). The more time zones passed, the more likely you are to experience jet lag. Jet lag is not a chronic condition, it can slowly disappear or improve over time, but it can be very tiring for your body.

 5. Cosmic rays

Cosmic rays are high-charged radiation produced from the Earth's atmosphere. This usually appears when you fly over or are heading towards the north pole area. Allegedly cosmic ray radiation can trigger cancer. However, until now it is unknown how much radiation is harmful to the body.People who are most at risk of being exposed to cosmic ray radiation are pilots, flight attendants and flight flight technicians.

5 Health Problems You May Face If You Like to Ride on an Airplane
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