5 Healthy Resolutions You Need to Run This Year


Medical Video: Five Healthy New Year's Resolutions for 2012 with Swedish's Dr. Miller

New Year New spirit; an expression that is often spoken by many people in welcoming the new year. Not only is it a matter of personal life, but many people are also competing to make healthy resolutions in the new year for simple reasons, namely to get better health.

However, like a dream; sometimes resolution will only be a discourse. As a result, last year's resolution will be the same as the resolution in the following year because the resolution has not been implemented. Making resolution is always fun, but it's very difficult to maintain it.

Here are some healthy resolutions that might be your resolution this year but until now you still have trouble running them:

Lose weight

Losing weight is not only a new year's resolution; but it is also a resolution every day especially after you realize that your weight is rising. As a result, the desire to lose weight is the most popular resolution every year because writing it down on a resolution list is easier than applying it. Moreover, if you are among those who find it difficult to resist the temptation of food.

And if you really want to lose weight in 2017, the simple tips that you can apply are:

  • Make peace with the foods you avoid most; because the more you try to avoid these foods the more tempted you will be and want to eat them! If you like these foods, for example chocolate, you can eat them once a week or twice as long as they remain within reasonable limits and not excessive.
  • Make more specific goals so you can adjust the shape of the diet you will be doing.
  • Change mindset You! You may aspire to lose weight as long as you do it to get better health.

Quit smoking

Everyone even smokers already know that smoking is not good for health because it can cause disease and even death. Therefore, many smokers who try to quit smoking experience failure. And if you really want to quit smoking in 2017, here are some simple tips to help realize your healthy resolution:

  • Tell people you care about that you want to quit smoking. This is good news for them, and of course they will support you to really stop smoking.
  • Write down the reasons why you decided to quit smoking. If you start giving up to stop smoking, you have to reread what you have written.
  • Find out why you want to smoke again, then switch! Suppose you want to smoke after eating because if you don't, then your mouth feels sour, try changing the smoking habit by eating candy or anything you like besides returning to smoking.

Reducing stress

Without realizing it, as you age, the demands of life will be even greater; as a result, your stress level may also experience an increase. And if left unchecked, chronic stress can increase the risk of insomnia, depression, obesity, heart disease, and others. Therefore, maybe you have the resolution to live happier by reducing stress in 2017. Here are some important steps you can take to become happier, healthier and more relaxed in 2017:

  • Enough sleep
  • Do a hobby that you enjoy
  • Increase friends by socializing
  • Listen to music that you enjoy

Enough sleep

The number of activities that must be undertaken sometimes may make your sleep less; as a result, you easily feel tired. So, maybe enough sleep is one of your resolutions in 2017. And one way to get enough sleep is to take a nap. Research has found that regular naps can reduce stress and even reduce the risk of heart disease.

To get the most out of a nap, here are simple tips you can do:

  • Be consistent to maintain your nap schedule
  • Set your nap time by using an alarm
  • Sleep with a dark room - the lights are turned off or use an eye mask - to help you fall asleep faster.

Keep maintaining friendship

What we often forget is that maintaining friendship is one way to maintain health. A study found that people with strong social ties can live longer than those who don't. This happens because people who lack social ties can cause people to feel alone and turn to drug, alcohol, or smoking abuse.

So, where is your 2017 healthy resolution? Are you ready to make it happen?

5 Healthy Resolutions You Need to Run This Year
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