5 Lists of Natural Ingredients That Can Help Destroy Kidney Stones


Medical Video: Oil Treatments & Recipes : How to Treat Kidney Stones With Lemon Juice and Olive Oil

Kidney stones are formed due to mineral deposits which are believed to occur due to the body lacking fluids. Indeed, kidney stones should be treated medically so they don't get bigger. However, there are some natural kidney stone drugs that can help destroy these mineral deposits.

Natural remedies for kidney stones that are easily found at home

1. Water

types of drinking water, water, distilled water, purified water, distilled water

Drinking water is a natural kidney stone medicine that you can rely on. Even drinking water is also important to prevent kidney stones from forming again.

To get the benefits, you must drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. That way, you have helped ease the work of the kidneys.

While some experts state that drinking 12 glasses of water per day can help slow the mineral deposits in the kidneys.

Also, you should always pay attention to your urine color. If the urine is dark yellow, it is a sign that the body is dehydrated and can make the mineral pile bigger.

2. Lemon water

drink lemon water

Another natural medicine for kidney stones that is no less practical is lemon water. You can add lemon juice to a glass of water. Lemon contains citrate which is a chemical that prevents calcium stone formation.

Citrate is also known to help break down small stones so as to prevent the occurrence of blockages that can occur in the ureter.

3. Apple vinegar

the efficacy of apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which is believed to help destroy kidney stones. In addition, apple cider vinegar also helps reduce pain caused by kidney stones.

To get the benefits, you can add 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar juice in 250 ml or one glass. Besides being drunk, you can also mix it in a salad by mixing it with your salad dressing.

However, you should not consume it excessively from that amount. For those of you who have diabetes mellitus, you should consult your doctor first.

4. Celery juice

celery juice

Celery juice is considered a juice that can cleanse poisons, including cleaning up piles of minerals that crystallize in the kidneys. This celery juice has long been used in traditional medicine and is already familiar.

Celery itself contains antioxidants and compounds that are known to increase urine production so that it can help reduce the possibility of the formation of new kidney stones.

5. Pomegranate juice

pomegranate juice
Source: LiveStrong

Pomegranates for centuries are also known as a very important fruit in traditional medicine. Pomegranates are believed to improve overall kidney function which can help dissolve kidney stones and poisons in the body.

Pomegranates can also reduce the acidity of urine. Lower acidity will reduce your body's risk of forming kidney stones.

5 Lists of Natural Ingredients That Can Help Destroy Kidney Stones
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