5 Tips for Fasting Remain Smooth Even though You Must Unplug Your Teeth


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Gum disease can make teeth shake or break so it must be removed. In most cases, the teeth must be removed as soon as possible. This is so that the infection does not spread too far. Damaged teeth that are not immediately removed can also cause serious complications. So, maybe the dentist recommends that you remove the teeth when fasting.

Then, is it possible to still undergo fasting if you have to go to the doctor to pull teeth? The answer is simple, maybe. However, don't forget to pay attention to the following points.

What to do after pulling teeth when fasting

Before you remove the teeth, the doctor will give local anesthesia. This anesthesia will only make your mouth area numb, which means you will not lose consciousness (fainting). After the tooth is removed, you may feel pain. To reduce pain and prevent bleeding after pulling teeth when fasting, here are five tips.

1. Cold compress

To stop bleeding and relieve pain, compress your cheeks on the side where the teeth have just been removed with ice. However, do not directly attach ice to the skin, gums, or teeth. Wrap ice cubes with a soft cloth and paste several times a day. You can also wet the cloth with cold water to compress the cheeks.

2. Rinse salt water

Gargling with salt water can speed up repair of gum tissue that has an infection. In addition, salt water can also help reduce pain. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Then rinse your mouth in for about thirty seconds. Then dispose of the water, don't swallow it. Repeat several times a day until the pain has subsided.

3. Take a break

After you pull your teeth, you should avoid excessive physical activity like exercise. Because the exercise after pulling teeth can trigger bleeding. It's best to make sure you have enough rest. When you rest, your body can focus on fighting infection and recovering naturally. Resting can also make you more relaxed so that your gums are not so painful anymore.

4. Diligently replace cotton

If the doctor gives cotton to prop the gum or hold the bleeding, do not let it run too long in the mouth. This can increase the risk of bacterial infections that will make the pain worse. If it's very wet or damp, replace the new one immediately or just leave your teeth without cotton. However, remember not to lick or nudge the affected part with your tongue.

5. Eating foods that speed recovery

When it's time to break the fast or dawn, choose a menu that is easy to swallow like soup or porridge. This is so that your mouth does not need to work too hard. For pain and bleeding to subside quickly, you should choose a menu that contains essential nutrients to speed up the recovery process.

Foods that are rich in vitamin K, vitamin B complex, and iron are good for preventing bleeding and accelerating tissue repair. The sources of these nutrients include spinach, fish, and yogurt. In addition, don't forget to drink lots of water when breaking fast and dawn.

Which must be considered after removing the teeth

Follow your dentist's advice for the best treatment after removing your teeth while fasting. Because the body's reaction and the degree of seriousness of each person's disease are different. You may have a severe gum infection so you can't help taking painkillers. Or there is severe bleeding after the tooth is removed, which means you have to take medication to stop bleeding.

If bleeding does not stop or you have a fever, immediately seek emergency health services or contact your dentist.

5 Tips for Fasting Remain Smooth Even though You Must Unplug Your Teeth
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