5 Tips for Weight Loss for People Who Have Hypothyroidism


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Hypothyroidism is a disorder of the body's metabolism because the thyroid gland is unable to produce enough hormones. The hormone produced from this gland regulates the body's metabolic processes to produce energy. So, gthe typical symptoms of hypothyroidism are easily tired and often not feeling well. In addition, people who have hypothyroidism also tend to find it difficult to lose weight because their metabolism is slow.

Hypothyroidism is a fairly common disorder because the causes vary and can be experienced by anyone. If you are one of those who has hypothyroidism, don't worry. Read first tips for weight loss specifically for hypothyroidism.

Weight loss tips for people with hypothyroidism

1. Consult a doctor first

Before experimenting with tips on losing any weight, people with hypothyroidism need to consult a doctor first. The doctor will be firstdiagnose the cause of your thyroid problem by determining the level of thyroid hormone in your blood. A common treatment for hypothyroidism is synthetic thyroid hormone therapy which usually lasts a lifetime.

The doctor will also provide tips or care about controlling hypothyroid symptoms, maintaining overall health, to even prescribe medication so that your condition does not drop it while trying to lose weight.

2. Sleep enough

One of the most important things you can do when following weight loss tips is getting enough sleep. Experts state that women who sleep often less than 5 hours are more likely to experience weight gain than women who sleep 7-8 hours a night.

Even women who sleep only 5 hours per night have a 15% higher risk of obesity. Therefore, fulfill sufficient rest periods everyday for the success of losing weight.

3. Try increasing your metabolism

The slow metabolism of people with hypothyroidism can still be improved. How to? With regular exercise that builds muscle mass. Besides that, you also need to keep up with itdrink enough water and eat healthy foods that can increase your body's metabolism.

4. Avoid the following foods

There are a number of foods whose ingredients can interfere with thyroid hormone function. Here's an example:

  • Soy. Soybeans contain phytoestrogen compounds which can inhibit the activity of enzymes that make thyroid hormones.
  • High iodized food. Eating foods rich in iodine is actually good for thyroid function. But be careful, ttoo much eating foods containing iodine such as fish and salt can cause opposite effects and further slow down the activity of the thyroid gland.
  • Iron and calcium supplements. Taking iron or calcium supplements can change the effectiveness of thyroid drugs.

5. Eat the following foods

Foods that contain the following nutrients can improve health and can support your metabolism.

  • Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants. Cherries, blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes and are a small part of antioxidant-rich foods which can improve overall health and benefit the thyroid gland.
  • Foods rich in selenium. Selenium is needed by the body to produce enzymes that make thyroid hormones function properly. Eating foods rich in selenium, such as quiz or Brazil nuts, can be tried as a snack.
  • Foods rich in tyrosine. Tyrosine is one of the amino acids the body needs to produce T3 and T4 in thyroid hormones. Please consume meat, milk and peas to get the benefits of tyrosine.
5 Tips for Weight Loss for People Who Have Hypothyroidism
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