Weight Drops, Hair Loss. How come you can, yes?


Medical Video: How to Regrow Thinning Hair - Hair Loss Cure

Hair loss seems to have become a common condition that can be experienced by anyone, from children to adults. Although it is not uncommon to be considered trivial, some people complain of experiencing hair loss while trying to lose weight. Yes, losing weight can indeed be one of the causes of hair loss. The full description can be seen below.

Why can losing weight be the cause of hair loss?

There are problems with hair, wrong hair care, until certain medical conditions are a small part of the cause of hair loss. This condition certainly makes you uncomfortable because hair loss is usually quite a lot. Well, you might just realize that your hair starts to fall out when you lose weight.

A writer for Hair Transplant 360 - Follicular Unit Extraction and a hair specialist named Dr. Ken L. Williams Jr. explain this. According to him, clinically hair loss can indeed be caused by weight loss. The reason is, whether the weight that comes down is intentionally alias the diet or down by itself, both are together stress and anxiety. This is what unconsciously causes hair loss.

Beth Warren, R.D.N., nutritionist and founder Beth Warren Nutrition and author of a book called Living a Real Life with Real Food, believes that the more you lose weight, the more strands of hair that fall out. How can?

According to Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, M.P.H., an obesity specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital, one of the causes of hair loss is because the body lacks certain nutrients. For example, when your diet tries to stay away from food sources of protein and multiply food with other nutrients. As a result, the function of proteins to build body cells - including hair cells - cannot work optimally.

Furthermore, because the amount of protein in the body tends to be small, the body will prioritize several body organs or cells that protein must support first. Your body may judge that the hair does not really need protein, so it is not given enough intake. This can then weaken the hair structure and cause hair loss.

Not to mention there are many women who are on a strict diet during menopause. In fact, in this period the body needs enough nutrients to support activities and changes that occur in the body. This combination of factors results in hair loss.

too thin weight menopause

Prevent hair loss even though the weight drops

If hair loss is caused by weight loss, then one way to restore it is to restore lost nutritional intake. You do this by applying a healthy and balanced diet. Simply put, the principle is this:

  • Meet calorie needs. Lack of calories can result in hair not having enough energy to support hair growth.
  • Meet protein needs. Protein is one of the important components in hair growth.
  • Add grains, fruits and vegetables to the daily food menu. According to the National Anemia Action Council, grains contain iron which if inadequate amounts can be a major factor in hair loss. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins A, C, E and zinc which all play a role in hair growth.

You can also treat severe hair loss with drugs that can increase hair growth, such as:


This one hair loss drug is liquid and can be obtained at a pharmacy without a prescription. The administration of Minoxidil stimulates the development of better hair follicles, so that the strands of hair that grow are much stronger.

Results from administration of Minoxidil will usually only be seen after six months of routine use. However, it should still be used more than six months to maintain hair growth.


Unlike Minoxidil, finasteride is a drinking tablet that works by lowering the levels of the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone. Because the excessive DHT hormone can inhibit new hair growth. So, if taken regularly, finasteride can stimulate new hair growth.

Although it looks promising, it is important to keep consulting your doctor first before deciding to take hair loss medication. In fact, your doctor may be able to provide the most appropriate treatment for your hair loss condition.

Weight Drops, Hair Loss. How come you can, yes?
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