7 Natural Cough Remedies in Your Kitchen


Medical Video: Herbal Home Remedies : Home Remedy for Chest Congestion and Cough

Coughing is a body's defense mechanism to keep your throat from mucus and other irritants. Apart from being caused by irritants, coughing can also be caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Cough caused by infection is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as nasal congestion, fever, discomfort in the stomach, or runny nose. Coughing due to bacterial infection requires antibiotics as a drug. However, coughing for other reasons such as allergens or viruses does not require antibiotics. You just need to increase your rest, keep your fluid needs met, avoid allergens, and take drugs that can relieve symptoms. If you don't want to take drugs sold in pharmacies, here are a few choices of natural cough medicines that you can try.

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1. Honey

Honey is a drug that has been used for a long time to overcome a sore throat. A study shows that honey can relieve cough more effectively than drugs containing dextromethorphan—A substance that can suppress coughing.

You can mix your own medicine by mixing two teaspoons of honey with tea or warm water and lemon. You can also eat one tablespoon of honey directly or make it as jam on white bread.

2. Probiotics

Probiotics are microorganisms that can benefit those who consume them. Probiotics do not relieve cough directly, but help balance microorganisms in the intestine. This can help improve your body's defense system. Research also shows that Lactobacillus, a bacterium in dairy products, can reduce the chance of getting the flu and reduce sensitivity to certain allergens such as dust allergies.

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3. Pineapple

Pineapple as a cough medicine? One study found that pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme found only in pineapple shoots and fruit. This enzyme can help suppress coughing and thin mucus in the throat. To get optimal benefits, you can consume a piece of pineapple or drink 100 ml of pineapple juice three times a day.

It should be noted, supplements containing bromelain are not recommended for consumption by children or adults who take blood thinning drugs. In addition, you also need to be careful about consuming bromelain if you are on antibiotic treatment such as amoxicillin. Bromelain can increase antibiotic absorption. Always consult with your doctor before adding other supplements to your therapy.

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4. Pepppermint

Peppermint leaves have been known to have good effects on health. The menthol content in peppermint soothes the throat and helps thin mucus. You can benefit from this leaf by drinking peppermint tea or by inhaling peppermint vapor. To enjoy peppermint steam, you can simply add three to four drops of peppermint oil into every 150 ml of hot water.

5. Marshmallow

Marshmallow is made of Althaea officinalis, an perennial plant that blooms in summer. The leaves and roots of this plant have been used for a long time to relieve sore throat and cough. There is no specific research that has been done to prove the efficacy of this plant, but generally consuming this plant is safe.

6. Thyme

Thyme leaves are widely used as a remedy for airway disease. A study shows that extracts from thyme leaves mixed with ivy can relieve cough and acute bronchitis. Thyme leaves contain named compounds flavonoids which can relieve inflammation and relax the throat muscles that play a role in the mechanism of coughing.

You can make your own medicine by mixing 2 teaspoons of crushed thyme leaves with 1 cup of boiling water. Cover your cup, wait for 10 minutes, then strain the water.

7. Salt water

Gargling with salt water can relieve an itchy throat which is the cause of coughing. Mix ¼ to ½ teaspoon of agaram with 250ml of warm water. Children under the age of six are not recommended to use this method because the possibility of not gargling properly. You can try other types of treatment for children in this age group.

READ ALSO: 5 Benefits of Gargling with Salt Water

7 Natural Cough Remedies in Your Kitchen
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