Not Feeling Fresh, I'm Even Sleepy After Sports. What is the reason?


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Sports have a myriad of good benefits, this activity if done well and correctly will also make the body feel fresher and fitter afterwards. However, some people actually complain of sleepiness after exercise. So, is this normal? What caused it? Check out the answer in the following review.

Causes of sleepiness after exercise

After completing exercise, the body should feel more refreshed and vibrant. However, if you feel the opposite - that is, feeling tired and sleepy - this is basically normal after exercise. This is because the body has worked hard during the exercise. Reporting from the Livestrong page, there are a number of things that can cause you to be sleepy after exercise, including:

  • Rarely exercise and just starting to exercise regularly. The body will begin to adapt and respond to fatigue which causes you to feel sleepy a few hours later after exercising.
  • Blood sugar levels in the body are too low.
  • The body lacks fluids or dehydration.
  • The intensity of training is too high that has never been done before.
  • Excessive exercise, or what is commonly called overtraining, will make the body easily tired which eventually causes you to feel sleepy. Even according to Dr. Pauline Powers, a psychiatrist from the United States in his book Exercise Balance, states that excessive exercise can increase the risk of injury, bone loss, and cause some people to suffer from eating disorders.

If you have been exercising regularly for quite a long time but still feel tired and sleepy, you may experience some health problems. Maybe you have the risk of anemia, hormonal problems, and metabolic system problems that make you often feel tired and sleepy after exercising.

Also, try checking how many hours you sleep each night. Because, lack of sleep can also be a cause of you experiencing this. The National Sleep Foundation recommends sleeping 7-9 hours for adults, to prevent you from feeling tired and sleepy after exercise.

Then, what can be done to overcome this?

To overcome this, it's good to exercise regularly. Because fatigue can eventually cause drowsiness will fade if the body has managed to adjust and get used to exercise. Over time, exercise can increase your energy, not even reduce it.

A study from The University of Georgia Research Magazine said that exercise carried out regularly can significantly increase energy against fatigue. In fact, people who suffer from health problems can experience increased energy when exercising regularly.

In addition, pay attention to always replenish your body's energy before starting a sports session with pre-exercise food and consuming enough fluids. The goal is to stabilize blood sugar levels so as to prevent the body from experiencing fatigue. Eat foods with high carbohydrate content, adequate protein, and low fat approximately 3 hours before exercising.

If all this has been done, but you are always sleepy after exercise, check your health and consult a doctor. Doctors can provide the right diagnosis as well as a guide or treatment to deal with your problem.

Apparently, sleep and exercise are interrelated

According to Alon Avidan, a neurology professor and UCLA director Sleep Disorders Center, actually exercise is done routinely both to improve sleep quality. This is also reinforced by research that states that people suffering from insomnia begin to sleep well after 4 months of exercise routine.

If you want good quality sleep, at least do regular exercise for 3-4 times a week with a duration of 30 minutes. This is far better than if you exercise once a week for 2 hours. Because, when you do regular exercise, the heat in the body will increase and gradually gradually cool for several hours after the activity is finished.

When a decrease in body temperature reaches a stable level, the brain will receive a signal that causes the body to feel sleepy and need sleep. After you wake up later, you will feel refreshed.

Not Feeling Fresh, I'm Even Sleepy After Sports. What is the reason?
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