7 Risks that May Happen Due to Use of Vaginal Douching


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One way to clean the female area, namely douching, turned out to be very risky for vaginal health, you know. You can even get various dangerous diseases and complications when using douches. Come on, find out more information about douching below.

What is vaginal douching?

Douching is a way of washing the vagina by spraying a special solution into the vaginal canal. This is usually done with a special tool with a bag and a hose.

The solution used to clean the vagina is generally made from a mixture of water, vinegar, and baking soda. However, there is currently a lot of solution douche which contains perfume and other chemicals.

This solution will be put in a douche bag. Then, the solution is sprayed into the vagina through the hose. This method is believed to be able to reach all parts of the vagina to the inside, such as the vaginal wall.

That's why many people believe that cleaning the vagina in this way can kill bacteria and fungi, prevent venereal disease, and keep the vagina fragrant and fresh.

In fact, no study has succeeded in proving douching is able to maintain vaginal health and prevent disease. Various studies actually report that this method increases health risks for your reproductive system.

Risk of disease due to vaginal douching

From a number of studies, here are seven risks that might occur if you do vaginal douching.

1. Vaginal bacterial infection

Vaginal bacterial infection or bacterial vaginosis can occur because of the use of douche in the vagina. Deep research The American Journal of Maternal / Child Nursing mentions that douching can double your risk of getting vaginal bacterial infections up to five times.

Because, spraying douche solution into the vaginal wall can disrupt the balance of the colonies of good bacteria and bad bacteria in the vagina. As a result, good bacteria that keep the vagina from bad bacterial infections die. That's why bad bacteria become more malignant to attack and cause this disease.

2. Upper urinary tract infection

Doing douches more than once a month can actually increase your risk of getting upper urinary tract infections by up to 60 percent. This was reported in a 2001 study published in the journal Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

This is because the douche method will kill the good bacteria that protect the vagina. That way, the vagina becomes more susceptible to bacterial causes urinary tract infection.

3. HPV

HPV or human papillomavirus is a venereal disease that can be transmitted through sex. The cause is a viral infection. If late is handled or not treated, HPV can trigger cancer growth in the area of ​​the vagina, anus, and vulva.

According to an internal study The Journal of Infectious Diseases, the risk of cancer caused by the HPV virus even reaches 40 percent in people who like to douche.

4. Cervical cancer

A number of studies have also proven that using douches can increase risk cervical cancer up to twice that compared to women who clean the female area as usual.

Douching does make the vagina more susceptible to viral infections. One type of virus is the same as mentioned above, namely HPV.

5. Pelvic inflammatory disease

Your risk is affected pelvic inflammatory disease can reach 73 percent if you routinely do douches. Because the bad bacteria around the lips of the vagina can be pushed into the uterus, fallopian tubes, and your ovaries and cause infection.

Be careful, this disease can make women experience damage to the fallopian tubes and organs in the other pelvic area so you have difficulty getting pregnant.

6. Transmission of venereal disease

Instead of protecting against transmission of venereal disease, douche will actually increase the risk of contracting the disease through sex. According to experts, because of the good bacteria that must protect the vagina from foreign organisms that cause the disease to die, you are also susceptible to contracting venereal diseases from your partner.

Venereal disease that can be transmitted, among others HIV / AIDS, gonorrhea, genital herpes, as well as trichomoniasis. This risk will increase if you douche before having sex.

7. Complications of pregnancy

Douching the vagina while you are pregnant can also trigger various complications of pregnancy. The most reported complications are premature babies.

A 2002 study in American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology even noted that the risk of preterm birth increased fourfold if pregnant women douche more than once a week.

This method also makes you more vulnerable to experience ectopic pregnancy (pregnant wine). This happens if fertilization of the egg by sperm cells occurs outside the uterus, namely in the fallopian tubes.

Then how to clean the vagina properly?

The vagina already has its own way to cleanse itself, namely by maintaining a balanced pH level and bacterial colonies. Therefore, you simply wash the vagina with warm (lukewarm) water one to two times a day.

To relieve symptoms or prevent infection in the vaginal area, you can use female antiseptic products. Especially when you are menstruating, which is the time when the vagina is very susceptible to infection. Of course this product is only used only on the outside of the vagina and not on the vaginal canal like the process douching.

7 Risks that May Happen Due to Use of Vaginal Douching
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