8 Causes of Itching in the Groin and Effective Ways to Overcome It


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Itching in the groin is naturally experienced by everyone as well as itching in other body parts. It's just that, itching in the groin is indeed often more troublesome than itching in other body parts. Because we must be sensitive to the surrounding environment if we want to scratch it because it is not appropriate to scratch the groin in a public place. So what causes itchy groin? See the following explanation.

Various causes of itching in the groin

Here are a few things that can cause groin itching.

1. Not maintaining the cleanliness of the genitals

itching medication in the groin

Groin is one area of ​​the body that is always closed. Often the groin is covered with more than one layer of clothing, making the air in the groin much warmer compared to other body parts.

If you do not routinely keep the genital area clean, it will make the area sweat and moist. In addition, the presence of pubic hair makes sweat, dead skin cells, and susceptible germs to develop. This is what triggers people to experience itching in the groin.

2. Irritation

prevent and treat blisters groin

Friction between the thighs and groin when you run or walk can cause the thigh skin to become sensitive and inflamed.If you rub or scratch the itchy area, it will cause inflammation of the outer layer of the skin which makes the skin reddish, rash like burns, itching and even scaly.

This reddish rash will also make you uncomfortable when wearing a dress, skirt or pants. Especially if at that time the weather was hot. If not treated immediately, wet and damp skin due to sweat can make blisters worse.

3. Fungal infections

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Groin is one of the most strategic locations for fungi to multiply quickly because it is moist and warm. Generally the cause of itching in the groin is a result of fungal infections in the outermost parts of the skin, especially in the groin area.

Tinea cruris is a dermatophyte infection in the groin area commonly known as ringworm.Actually the fungus that causes ringworm naturally lives on dead skin, hair and nail tissues. In many cases, the presence of this fungus is not dangerous. However, this fungus can multiply rapidly and cause infection when the area where it lives is warm and moist.

This is why ringworm appears more frequently on the skin around the groin, inner thighs, and buttocks. This one skin disease is very contagious from one person to another through direct contact through the skin. In addition, sharing towels with people who are infected and rarely bathing can also increase your infection.

4. Pubic lice

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Mites and scabies are parasites that can cause itchy skin, including itching in the groin. If you experience itching, irritation, and small white spots appearing in pubic hair, you may have pubic lice.

Genital lice aka the Phthirus pubis are small parasitic insects that live in human coarse hair, one of which is pubic hair.Pubic lice when viewed using a magnifying glass look like a crab, measuring around 1-2 millimeters, and yellowish, gray, or brownish.

If you are exposed to genital lice, you will often feel severe itching in the groin.This itching generally worsens at night when fleas are more active and eat human blood.Pubic lice also cause injury to the genital area accompanied by a small blue gray mark known as cervical macula.

Not only in pubic hair, this type of lice can also be found in the chest hair, stomach, armpits, legs, beard, mustache, eyelashes, even aliases. But unlike common lice, genital lice do not stay in the skin of the hair. These fleas spread through adjacent physical contact, often through sexual contact.

5. Contact dermatitis

medicine for vaginal itching

Contact dermatitis can affect any part of the body including the groin. There are two types of contact dermatitis, namely allergies and irritation. Allergic contact dermatitis appears in people who are sensitive to certain harmless substances. This can happen when someone is in contact with soap, shampoo, and even detergent.

Whereas irritant contact dermatitis is when the skin is irritated from a substance even though it does not have allergies to certain substances. Irritations can vary from sweat, urine, dirt, cosmetics, to jewelry (usually with piercings) and tight clothing can also be a cause of itchiness in the groin. Generally itching due to contact dermatitis is not severe, but can be disruptive.

6. Intertrigo

Intertrigo is inflammation of the skin that appears between the folds of the skin. This condition is caused by bacteria and fungi that should not touch the skin. The areas most commonly affected are the armpits, lower breast, groin area, neck, buttocks, genital area, and stomach.

This skin inflammation can be aggravated by many factors such as humidity, hot weather, lack of air circulation (for example, wearing clothes that are too narrow), to friction the skin with skin or skin with clothes.

Areas that experience intertrigo will appear reddish or brown in the form of "fields" of large rashes right in the folds separated by white lines. Your skin may also look dry and crusty, it feels very itchy, even releasing an unpleasant odor that is different from normal body odor.

7. Genital herpes

For some people, itching in the groin can be an early sign or symptom of infectious venereal disease, which is caused by the herpes virus. This condition causes the area of ​​the genitals to become swollen, feel hot, reddish, and painful.

Not infrequently, blisters or resilience filled with liquid can form. If the plump breaks, it will cause painful sores. Not only in the genitals, runny lumps called resilience can appear around the mouth and anal area.

If you have experienced these symptoms and are recurrent, you may have genital herpes. Because the herpes causes recurrent symptoms.

Some people can experience these symptoms several times a year and some people can experience no symptoms at all. Genital herpes can spread by touch, but more often spreads through sexual intercourse.

8. Sexually transmitted diseases

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The practice of unprotected sex can cause venereal disease to be contagious, and many of these diseases make the groin itchy. In addition to genital herpes, some common venereal diseases are chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and gonorrhea.

The sensation of itching in the groin can develop into pain and burning. If you experience itchy groin followed by other classic symptoms of venereal disease, such as vaginal itching, pain during urination, foul smelling vaginal discharge, and pain during sex, immediately contact your doctor.

If you think you need a venereal disease test, ask your doctor. Talk about your concerns and what specific tests you want.

It may seem embarrassing to talk about sexually transmitted diseases to others, but not to your doctor. Your doctor is responsible for your care without judgment or reproach.

How to deal with itchy groin?

1. Make sure the genitals are dry and clean

vaginal hygiene

It is important for you to always keep your genitals clean and dry. Do not let your genital area become moist, always dry it after making contact with the genitals with a clean cloth or dry tissue.

Use clean underwear, replace it at least 2 to 3 times a day. Choose cotton underwear to facilitate air circulation in your genital area.

For women, don't forget to routinely replace pads at least 3-4 hours. Rarely changing pads can cause a rash, an unpleasant odor, and increase the risk of infection.

2. Don't scratch it!

scratching your nails makes you feel sore

Wet and moist skin around the groin can make the itching worse. However, try not to scratch it. The reason is, scratching the itchy groin will only cause the skin to become more irritated and will even cause other new infections.

3. Pertrolium jelly

Benefits of Petroleum Jelly Vaseline

Well, if the itching you feel is caused by dry skin, use the right choice of petroleum jelly. Take a small amount of petroleum jelly at your fingertips and apply it to the itchy area to reduce the sensation of the itching you feel.

In addition, you can also use baby powder. Powder can absorb oil and moisture from the skin layer. Before you leave the house, apply powder or baby powder to the inner thighs and thigh folds, areas that will sweat a lot.

You can also use body lotion or coconut oil as a lubricant to reduce friction and soothe irritated skin around your thighs.

4. Avoid clothes that are too tight

vaginal health

Avoid wearing tight clothing (such as jeans) while on the move, especially in a long period of time. Because tight jeans can cause friction in the groin and genital organs. So don't be surprised, if your genital organs become easily scratched, itchy and red when using too long jeans.

Give enough air space around the groin area so that your vital organs feel comfortable. In addition, choose clothes that are rather loose with a soft material so as not to cause friction that endangers your vital organs.

5. Antifungal creams

If the cause of the groin itch is due to a fungal infection, you can treat it by using a prescription antifungal skin cream or ointment that can be found at a pharmacy or drug store.

Use an antifungal cream or powder containing terbinafine, miconazole, clotrimazole or butenafine. This antifungal cream can help fight fungi that cause your groin to itch. In addition, the use of zinc creams, such as Destin, can relieve itching.

The use of antifungal creams is ideally used at night before going to bed. When the body doesn't do much physical activity anymore, the cream can absorb well in the skin around the groin. That is why, it is important to read the rules of use that are on the packaging before using a cream to deal with itchy vagina.

Don't stop using the drug just because the symptoms have disappeared. If symptoms do not improve after 2 weeks, contact your doctor immediately.

6. Avoid trigger itching

eyes get chemicals

If the itch in your groin is caused by an allergy, then the only solution is to stop direct contact with chemicals or materials that are allergic.

For example, avoid buying toys or blankets if you are sensitive to wool products, and find out how to identify poison ivy plants. Wear gloves, wear long sleeves and trousers to avoid contact with trees and anything that has touched the plant.

7. Use lotion and shampoo

stop shampooing using shampoo

You can eliminate genital lice with a careful and patient approach. This method is done by diligently cleaning yourself and contaminated personal items.

Choose lotion and shampoo designed to kill fleas. Usually this antuuu shampoo is sold in the market or drug store. Always pay attention to the usage rules printed on the packaging label. Remember, this treatment requires patience and patience. You may need to repeat this treatment for seven to ten days until the lice in pubic hair are completely gone.

Equally important, wash contaminated objects clean regularly. Wash sheets, clothes, and towels that are used for two days since applying with soap and hot water (at least 54 degrees Celsius) and also dry them with high heat for at least 20 minutes.

8. Consult a doctor

go to the obstetrician

If your groin still feels very itchy even though you have done business like the one above, you should consult your doctor immediately.

By carrying out a complete physical examination and medical tests such as a urine test, later the basic causes of itching in the groin will be known and appropriate treatment to overcome the condition. Especially if you suspect sexually transmitted diseases.

It should be noted that sexually transmitted diseases, or sexually transmitted diseases, cannot be easily detected by the naked eye on someone (or even yourself), because often this disease appears without your awareness. Because, many venereal diseases that do not show certain symptoms or signs. This makes a lot of people fooled.

The only way to determine whether you have a venereal disease or not is by a laboratory examination by a doctor at a hospital or health clinic.

8 Causes of Itching in the Groin and Effective Ways to Overcome It
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