Preventing Eye Minus from the Little One


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At present, miopi aka minus eyes on children is increasing and becoming a big part of society. Minus of eyes will increase with age and if left untreated early will make life difficult for children. According to the latest research, up to 60% of children suffer from myopia. Ages from 11 to 16 are very easy to get nearsightedness. So, how should you take care of your child?

Characteristics and symptoms of minus eye in children

The following are signs your child may be suffering from nearsightedness:

  • having trouble seeing objects far away
  • watching TV, reading books, etc. at close range, and having to bend and examine each finger one by one - myopia
  • often experience eye strain, headaches and watery eyes, etc.

When parents detect these signs, take your child to an ophthalmologist to check before ordering glasses. Give the right type of glasses for your child and then visit the clinic more than once in 3 months to avoid worsening the child's condition. This is also a good way to treat children with myopia.

Causes of minus eyes in children

Factors that are passed down from mother to child or father to child. When minus a parent of more than 20 diopter, the child's ability to recover from nearsightedness is very difficult, even if you give him therapy.

External factors include learning or working in low-light environments. If detected early enough, this nearsightedness will be easily treated. In the early stages, you might also be able to use therapy for healing.

How to prevent eye minus in children?

Poor posture, lack of light, or too much exposure to the gadget screen are the main causes of this growing condition. So, to help prevent this disease, parents must pay attention to the following:

  • Teach children to sit properly. The distance of the book is at least 30 cm from the eye and must be read while sitting instead of lying down.
  • Keep the child away from the television screen or computer with a minimum distance of 2 meters.
  • Make sure the child's room has good lighting so it is not too glare or too dark and causes eye loss.
  • Limit your child from watching TV and using a computer for too long is also a way to prevent farsightedness.
  • Children should be encouraged to rest for about 30 minutes after reading or watching television.
  • Encourage children to spend more time outdoors.
  • Parents also need to bring their children to do routine eye examinations so that they can detect eye disease in children on time and carry out prevention and treatment on time.
  • If the child turns out to be suffering from nearsightedness, parents should order prescription glasses right under the doctor's guidance so the condition does not worsen.

Here are a number of ways to help you care for a child suffering from nearsightedness. Hopefully, with this consideration, you will help your child to live the right lifestyle of learning and resting after a tense hour of learning that increases the risk of myopia.

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Preventing Eye Minus from the Little One
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