8 Foods That Can Cure Anemia


Medical Video: Anemia symptoms and treatments - Signs of being anemic

Do you often feel dizzy, easily tired, cold, or have difficulty breathing? Be careful because these symptoms are symptoms of anemia. This condition occurs when red blood cells, hemoglobin concentration, and protein in your red blood cells are low. Anemia can occur due to a lack of iron in the body. According to a study quoted by the Medical News Today website, lack of iron in the blood can be attributed to the high risk of dementia - a decrease in brain function that affects the way of thinking and interacting. Then how to prevent or overcome anemia? If the anemia is caused by iron deficiency, you can find it in food. The following are some foods to cure anemia due to iron deficiency.

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What are the foods to cure anemia?

Iron deficiency can reduce red blood cell production. Iron is a mineral in the human body and is one component of hemoglobin. When red blood cells are lacking, oxygen is difficult to circulate throughout the body. If so, you will certainly feel tired, tired, and sensitive. The following are some foods to help cure your anemia caused by iron deficiency:

1. Spinach

These vegetables are abundant in calcium, iron, beta carotene, potassium, vitamins A, B2, C, and E. Vitamin C is good for the body's immunity, while beta carotene is good for preventing cardiovascular disease. Of course the iron content can help the body produce more red blood cells, and can increase blood flow in the body. If you don't like vegetables, try a variety of spinach pizza or spinach.

2. Beetroot (beetroot)

This fruit has red flesh. The iron content in it can reduce the symptoms of anemia that appear, such as reducing symptoms of cold. It also reduces the risk of palpitations - abnormal beats and heart rhythms. Other vitamins contained in it are vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, and B6. This fruit is also good for high blood pressure, because other benefits are lowering blood pressure. You can serve it by making juice.

3. Tomatoes

Besides being rich in vitamin C, tomatoes also contain iron. Vitamin C is needed to absorb iron from other foods. Indeed iron contained in tomatoes is not too much, but the antioxidants are abundant and good for your heart health. Tomatoes also contain potassium, its function is to keep blood pressure healthy.

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4. Red meat

Your body absorbs iron faster than meat, compared to vegetables. Heme iron (iron found in hemoglobin) can be found in meat. The heart, kidneys and liver of red meat also contain high iron qualities. You will also get the benefits of vitamin B12. Make sure you eat two to three times a week to cure anemia.

5. Peanut butter

Ah, this is one of the foods you have been waiting for. If your appetite is decreasing, try peanut butter so that your anemia is quickly resolved. The taste of peanut butter is very tasty, so it's not a problem to eat it directly. Calories found in peanut butter are large, but iron is very necessary to cure anemia. Eat at least two tablespoons of peanut butter. If you feel weird eating it, you can serve it with bread. It's best after eating peanut butter, you drink orange juice. As explained above, vitamin C serves to help absorb iron.

6. Eggs

Eggs are perfect proteins. You are anemic, but don't want to eat too much? Try eating eggs. Protein can keep you full for long periods of time. Besides containing iron, eggs also contain zinc - helps blood formation. You can eat it at breakfast or at lunch.

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7. Wheat bread and oatmeal

One slice of whole wheat bread contributes around 6% of your iron needs. Wheat bread and wheat are rich in iron, but wheat also contains phytic acid - which can hold iron so it is not absorbed by the body. You do not need to worry because phytic acid has been reduced during the fermentation process of wheat.

8. Dates

Dates contain high minerals. Behind the sweet taste, dates contain a myriad of minerals such as calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and copper. Dates are also able to provide energy. Some minerals can even maintain bone density.

Well, it's not difficult not to find the food? So now to overcome your anemia, there is no need to always depend on supplements. You can add food intake above.

8 Foods That Can Cure Anemia
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