8 Savior Tips to Increase the Appetite of Sick People


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Increasing the appetite of people who are being treated for certain diseases is not easy. Loss of appetite when sick is common. This is because certain treatments or treatments can reduce appetite. For example, if your loved one has gone through chemotherapy. However, just having a cold can make you not appetite because the tongue feels bitter. Then how do you increase appetite when you are sick or recover? Take note of the various tricks below.

1. Ladeni patients but not too forced

If the patient complains of appetite, explain that this is indeed one of the side effects of treatment or the disease. Try not to yell, scold, or force people who are sick to eat.Forcing will only make it more appetite because it considers eating time as a torture moment.

2. Offer his favorite food

To provoke appetite, offer patients favorite foods. However, always consult with the doctor what foods are the taboos and what nutrients should be fulfilled.

If his favorite food happens to be unhealthy, for example junk food, watch out by reprocessing the food at home. For example, frying yourself potatoes at home rather than buying at a fast food restaurant.

3. Eat a little but often

In order for patients to continue to get the necessary nutritional intake, it's best to give them a little food. Do not immediately ask him to spend one plate of rice, side dishes and vegetables. Serve the food on a small plate just so the patient is not too burdened to see the portion.

If he says he's full, there's no need to spend it at that moment. Later in a few hours, offer different foods so you don't get bored.

4. Don't give food that smells pungent

Certain foods offer a scent that is too stinging or unpleasant. For example, pete, jengkol, or chili paste. It's best to give foods that smell good, but not too strong. For example chicken broth soup.

5. Take supplements or appetite enhancers

If the person closest to you really doesn't want to eat, you should consider a multivitamin supplement or appetite enhancer. However, talk to your doctor first about what supplements are needed. Because the advantages of certain vitamins may cause certain side effects for patients. Usually doctors will also give special drugs to increase the patient's appetite.

6. Drink a lot

Patients who are sick may lose a lot of fluids and electrolytes in the body. As a result, the patient is dehydrated. Dehydration alone can make people closest to you more difficult to eat.

So, make sure the patient drinks a lot every day. Try to get the patient to drink more than eight glasses of water. If you are nauseous, you can brew tea that tastes better on the tongue so that the patient still gets fluid intake.

7. Eat together

To increase the appetite of people who are sick, try so that you or other family members accompany him to eat together. Eating together can help him to be more relaxed and not think too much about the taste of tasteless food.

8. Add delicious kitchen spices

The tongue of a person who is sick may feel bitter and tasteless. So that you can increase your appetite, add fragrant and delicious kitchen ingredients. For example garlic, onions, cloves, bay leaves, cinnamon, and other natural kitchen herbs.

8 Savior Tips to Increase the Appetite of Sick People
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