9 Practical Ways to Reduce Excessive Farts


Medical Video: 8 Natural Ways To Reduce Excessive Gas with Holistic Nutritionist, Kim D'Eon

Flatulence, also known as fart, is a medical term when the body secretes gas from the digestive system through the anus. You don't need to be embarrassed if you fart, this is a normal process. What's to worry about is that you fart too often.

In the Mayo Clinic page it is estimated that normal farting is around 10-20 times a day. Well, if it is too often, it will actually interfere, or it can even be a sign of an illness. To reduce excessive farting, here are practical ways you can do at home.

1. Reduce high-gas foods

Not that it should be avoided, because some of these foods are actually healthy for your body. But if you feel easily bloated and throw away too much wind, it's a good idea to start eating less foods that can produce gas, such as:

  • Nuts
  • Cabbage
  • Raisins
  • Onion
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Mushrooms
  • Beer and other carbonated drinks

In the large intestine, these foods will be broken down by bacteria in the intestine. The breakdown process will produce gas which is then released from the anus as a fart.

In addition, certain foods such as onions can cause the production of gas containing sulfur. This is the content that causes foul smelling.

2. Eat and drink slowly

When eating, make sure you chew food slowly to reduce the amount of air ingested. The air that accumulates too much in the digestion will be the forerunner of the gas that you will emit.

3. Avoid artificial sweeteners

Artificial sugars such as sorbitol and mannitol are usually found in candy, gum and sugar-free food products. For some people whose bodies have a low tolerance for this substance, it will have an impact on the emergence of diarrhea and increased gas disposal.

4. Regular exercise to improve digestion

Exercise can improve the function of the digestive system, including the intestine. This will help prevent bloating and launch gas travel in the digestive system.

5. Reduce foods that are high in fiber for a while

Fiber has many benefits for the body. However, many foods that are high in fiber act as gas producers. We recommend that you first reduce high-fiber foods to reduce excess gas production. If it's getting better, slowly add more fiber to your food.

6. Reduce the habit of swallowing air

Daily habits without realizing it triggers the body to enter air into the body. For example smoking, chewing gum, drinking from a straw can also increase the volume of air that accumulates into the stomach.

7. Drink chamomile tea

Chamomile tea can help reduce digestive disorders, including when there is gas trapped in flatulence. Drinking chamomile tea before meals and bedtime is recommended to reduce excessive gas discharge.

8. Drink a solution of apple vinegar

Dilute one tablespoon of apple vinegar in a drink, for example with mineral water or tea. Drink before eating regularly. You can consume 3 times a day or as needed. This apple vinegar mixture can reduce excessive farting.

9. Active charcoal

Active charcoal alias activated charcoalcan help reduce excess gas and bloating. This is different from the charcoal you find on a grill or fireplace. Activated charcoal has undergone special treatment to be safe for human consumption, and is also often used in food and beverages.

Activated charcoal is usually in the form of pills, for example norit. When activated charcoal enters the intestine, charcoal will stick to the fluid in the intestine to reduce gas and bloating by making stools tighter.

9 Practical Ways to Reduce Excessive Farts
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