Are You at Risk for Cervical Cancer? Check here


Medical Video: Pap and HPV Testing | Nucleus Health

Cervical cancer is one type of cancer that is often experienced by women. Generally, cervical cancer is caused by infection with HPV (human papillomavirus). HPV infection can occur to anyone regardless of age.

The HPV virus also does not look gender - even 8 out of 10 men and women can be infected with HPV which is transmitted by touching the skin to the skin. Well, are you one of the people who has the risk of cervical cancer?

Who has the risk of cervical cancer?

All women have a risk of cervical cancer. However, perhaps the difference is how much the risk of cervical cancer in each woman. The more trigger factors for cervical cancer you have, the greater your risk of cervical cancer. However, that does not mean that women who do not have a trigger factor means that they must be protected from cervical cancer. As explained above, cervical cancer can occur to anyone regardless of age and sex.

Well, what are the factors that trigger cervical cancer?

1. HPV infection

HPV infection is a major risk factor for cervical cancer. This virus can spread from one person to another through skin contact. One way HPV spreads is through sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal and even oral sex.

This is why, having sex with multiple partners increases your risk of cervical cancer. The more sexual partners you have, the more likely you are to be infected with HPV and get cervical cancer. In addition, having sex at an earlier age can also increase your risk of HPV infection because in adolescence in line with their growth period, the structure of the cervical organs is more susceptible to HPV infection.

Not only cervical cancer, HPV infection can also cause vulvar cancer and vaginal cancer in women. In men, this virus can cause penile cancer, anus, mouth and throat cancer in men and women.

Well, to prevent HPV infection, you can strengthen your immune system by getting an HPV vaccine.

2. Has a weak immune system

People who have weak immunity, whether it's due to congenital conditions, certain diseases, drug side effects, or just undergoing a large procedure such as a transplant, have a higher risk for cervical cancer.

3. Smoking

Cigarettes contain cancer-causing chemicals. So, people who smoke have a greater risk of cancer, including cervical cancer. Women who smoke approximately have twice the risk of cervical cancer compared to women who do not smoke.

The researchers believe that substances in cigarettes can damage cervical cell DNA, which encourages the development of cancer cells. Smoking can also make the immune system less effective against HPV infection.

4. Have a family history of cervical cancer

If your mother or sister is affected cervical cancerYour chances of getting cervical cancer are 2-3 times higher than if no one in your family has cervical cancer. According to, some studies suspect that this increased risk is caused by hereditary factors which makes some women less able to fight HPV infection than others.

Pay attention!

In looking at the risk factors for cervical cancer, you should pay attention to which risk factors you can still change or avoid (avoid smoking and prilakusetia against partners / monogamous relationships). Not only by having a healthy lifestyle, but preventive measures also need to be taken, namely through HPV vaccination.

Are You at Risk for Cervical Cancer? Check here
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