Be Careful, Sleep Snoring Can Be A Sign Of Crooked Nose Bone


Medical Video: Deviated Septum - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment in Detail

Quoted from the Cleveland Clinic, about 75 percent of the human population does not realize that he lives with a bent nose bone without realizing the various symptoms that are actually felt. In fact, crooked nose bones have an effect that can be detrimental to your health if left without proper treatment.

What happens when the nose bone is bent?

Crooked nose or in medical terms, termed nasal septal deviation is a condition when the nasal septum (the dividing wall between the two nasal cavities) is not centered or shifts very badly. As a result, the bent septum makes one of the nasal passages smaller.

If so, you will usually have difficulty breathing through your nose. In addition, the deviant nasal septum is severe enough to cause you to experience nasal bleeding or what is called a nosebleed.

Various symptoms of bent nose bones that need to be realized

back headache

Symptoms of a bent nose can vary from person to person. However, in general the following are various symptoms that you can feel when your nose bone is bent, such as:

1. Difficulty breathing

Having a bent nose makes the air harder to pass through the nose. Because, one airway is narrower so that the air intake becomes unbalanced. This makes you finally more difficult to breathe through your nose. Usually, this condition will be very severe and felt when you experience upper respiratory infections, fever, and allergies.

2. Headaches

Having more limited breathing ability compared to other normal people makes you sometimes feel more stuffy. This pressure eventually makes you a frequent headache. The pain that is felt usually does not come once or twice but very often. If you experience this do not underestimate it. Try to immediately consult a doctor to find out the exact cause.

3. Nosebleeds

If you have a curved septum, the air will be harder to pass through the nose. This condition can eventually make the nose dry more easily. As a result, the nasal membranes reduce moisture and make you more susceptible to nosebleeds.

Nosebleeds will be very torturous if they occur often enough. For that, immediately consult a doctor if you often nosebleeds without knowing the cause.

3. Sinus infection

The narrower the person's airway, the more likely you are to experience a sinus infection. Sinus infection or sinusitis is a condition when your sinus is blocked due to inflammation and swelling. When you experience sinusitis you will generally experience various symptoms such as a painful or depressed face, a blocked nose, difficulty catching the smell, until the nose secretes greenish or yellowish mucus.

4. Snoring during sleep

During sleep, a bent nose makes the nose become blocked. So that people who have this condition will usually have loud breath while sleeping and accompanied by snoring (snoring). In fact, in some cases, this condition can also cause sleep apnea or the condition of the breath stalled while sleeping.

5. Prefer sleeping sideways to a certain side

When your breathing is disturbed because you have a bent nose bone, you will usually prefer to sleep sideways to one side to optimize breathing. Because the aberrant nasal septum does narrow one part of the nose.

Unfortunately, this is sometimes not realized as a serious condition so many do not realize that they have problems with their nose bones.

Be Careful, Sleep Snoring Can Be A Sign Of Crooked Nose Bone
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