Where, bro, comes from? Can it be removed?


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If you look in the mirror, you might find one or two folds on your chin. The chin folds for some people are considered to damage the appearance. Yes, the fold is actually caused by fat that builds up on your chin. Not only does it make the appearance unattractive, but the chin fat also turns out to be dangerous too. What is the danger? Then what causes chin fat to appear? Here is the explanation.

Where does chin fat come from?

Without your realizing it, chin fat actually comes from all fatty foods and high in calories that you consume. Basically chin fat is just like other fats that accumulate under the skin, the difference is that this fat is buried around your chin area and makes your face look wider.

Every calorie meal, whether it contains carbohydrates, fat, or protein, will be converted by the body into fat reserves if it is no longer needed at that time. It is like, if you eat too much, the remaining food will be stored as food reserves in the form of fat.

The collection of fat in the body is actually harmless, if it's still in a reasonable amount. Because, everyone must have fat reserves in the body, so if at any time the body needs extra food and energy, your body already has reserves.

So that it can be considered fat on your chin is the result of foods that you consume in excessive portions or foods that contain lots of fat.

Is chin fat dangerous?

If you find a fold in your chin, try to weigh your weight immediately. because you might actually experience weight gain that you haven't realized until now. If you are constantly unaware of your weight gain, it is not impossible that later you will be obese or overweight which is quite serious. People who are obese are people who have a body mass index of more than 25 kg / m2.

Obesity is a poor health status because obesity is the beginning of all the risks of chronic diseases. If you are obese, it means that your fat deposits have exceeded reasonable limits - one of them is your chin fat deposits. Various theories and studies have shown that a person who is obese has a higher risk of developing diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, stroke, and various other chronic diseases.

So, the point is chin fat is as dangerous as fat deposits in other body parts, whether it's in the stomach, thighs, or pelvis, which can lead to health complications later on.

How do you get rid of chin fat?

The key to eliminating or lowering your body fat levels is to undergo a strict diet, regular exercise, and lead a healthy lifestyle. But do not just apply a diet, yes, know first the principles of the diet that you will live. Basically indeed if you want to lose weight and lose fat, then you should undergo a low-fat diet.

Regular exercise is the next key. You can do aerobic exercise that will help burn overall body fat, including your chin fat. In addition, you can also do a few simple movements to get rid of chin fat, so that your appearance is attractive again.

Not only that, you also have to adopt a healthy lifestyle, such as getting enough rest at night, avoiding stress, and leaving a sedentary lifestyle.

Where, bro, comes from? Can it be removed?
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