Bringing Difficulties Makes Stomach Feel More Bloated, Here's How to Overcome It


Medical Video: 10 Easy Ways to Relieve Stomach Bloating

Belching is one of the simplest ways to relieve flatulence. Burping makes the release of gas from the digestive tract to the mouth. The gas to be released is a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. However, some people find it difficult to belch. How to handle it?

Why am I having trouble belching?

People who have difficulty belching occur because the valve in the throat loses its ability to release air. Then it must be pushed with a greater gas pressure so that this valve can open so as to cause belching.

This valve, called the esophageal sphincter, is a channel through which food passes through the oral cavity.

The sphincter muscle will relax during swallowing. When not swallowing, this muscle will contract or tighten. When belching, this sphincter muscle needs to relax for a while to allow air to escape.

Although it looks trivial, it is difficult to bring belching to make people feel tormented. It feels like there is an air bubble around the esophagus that is not lost. This is quite annoying and sometimes painful.

If it's hard to belch, what should be done?

a diet to drink water without eating

Make gas pressure in the stomach by drinking

Drinking soft drinks can push gas pressure more easily out of the stomach. Especially if you drink it through a straw, this will increase the amount of pressure, so that the gas is easier to get out and can belch.

Alternatively, you can drink a full glass of water while holding your breath and pinching your nose to make sure you don't overdo it.

Pressure through food

Eating gas-containing foods will increase gas pressure in the stomach. Eat these squeezed foods so that you can immediately be encouraged to belch:

  • Apple
  • Pear
  • Carrot
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Chewing gum


Body movements can put pressure on the stomach and push it upward so you can belch. This movement is done to make your abdominal muscles tighten. That way, you will help put pressure on the gas trapped in the stomach to get out more easily.

  • If you are sitting, get up quickly. Or if you are standing, try to sit down quickly. You can also do the lying and standing movements quickly.
  • In addition to these movements you can also walk, jog, jump up and down to push air out of the stomach
  • Lie on your stomach, bend your knees in front of your chest, stretch your arms straight forward as far as possible. Arch your back while stretching your arms forward. Keep your head and throat straight.

Adjust how to breathe

How to breathe also affects this. When you have difficulty belching, this must be done:

  • Breathe while sitting upright
  • Put air into your throat by sucking air through your mouth until you feel the air bubbles in your throat.
  • Then exhale through the mouth by closing the upper mouth with your tongue so that the air path that comes out is narrower. Do it repeatedly.

Is burping enough to solve flatulence?

Stomach feels tense is a condition that usually disappears by itself over time. Burping will only make you comfortable temporarily.

Usually flatulence will improve by itself. However, if it doesn't improve, especially after you burp, you should immediately see a doctor.

In addition, see a doctor immediately if your flatulence is accompanied by:

  • Diarrhea
  • Long-term abdominal pain
  • There is blood in the stool
  • Stool discoloration
  • Unwanted weight loss
  • Pain in the chest
  • Nausea and vomiting continue to recur

If accompanied by these symptoms, there could be certain digestive disorders that require special care, not just flatulence.

Bringing Difficulties Makes Stomach Feel More Bloated, Here's How to Overcome It
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