Characteristics of Fungal Infection in Your Mouth


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Not only skin or genitals, it turns out there are also fungal infections in the human mouth. If there is a strange white rash like canker sores in your mouth, it can be caused by a fungus that breeds. What are the characteristics of a mouth that is infected with fungi?

Why can fungal infections occur in the mouth?

Fungal infections in the mouth, usually caused by candida fungi. Generally, mushroom candida already exists in the mouth, digestive tract and skin, but the amount is very small. Apart from being very small in number, this candida fungus is usually controlled by other bacteria in the body, so the amount is balanced and not widespread.

But sometimes, certain diseases or drugs such as corticosteroids or antibiotics can disrupt the balance of fungi and bacteria. When the candida fungus population is out of control, that's when the fungal infection starts in the human mouth.

Mouth infections are infected with fungi

The first thing you should pay attention to regarding a mouth that is infected with a fungus is the presence of white lesions or spots in the area of ​​the mouth such as the tongue, throat and mouth wall.

In addition, fungi in the mouth can also appear in the mouth, gums, tonsils, or the back of your throat. This fungal infection in the mouth can cause pain and can cause blood when you brush your teeth. In very severe cases, fungal infections can spread to the esophagus and cause:

  • Pain when swallowing or difficulty swallowing
  • A feeling that food is stuck in the throat or in the middle of your chest
  • A fever occurs if the infection spreads outside the esophagus

Sometimes, fungi that cause canker sores can spread to other parts of the body, such as the lungs, liver and skin. But this is usually more common in people with cancer, HIV, or people with health conditions whose immune systems are weak.

Who is prone to infection with fungi in the mouth?

  • Newborn nursing babies are very susceptible to fungi.
  • Diabetics, especially if the person does not control their blood sugar.
  • People who take drugs, the most frequent antibiotics. Then, a type of corticosteroid drug (a type of steroid hormone), one of which is smoked for asthma medication can also have an impact on the development of oral candidiasis.
  • People with low immunity, for example people with HIV / AIDS or chemotherapy treatment.
  • Women who are experiencing hormonal changes, such as pregnancy or those who use birth control pills.

How to treat it?

Fungal infections in the mouth are generally easy to treat if the condition of the sufferer is healthy. But unfortunately, the symptoms may occur worse and harder to treat if exposed to people who have a weak immune system.

The thing you can do here is immediately consult a doctor. Your doctor may prescribe an antifungal medication that you should drink for 10 to 14 days. The recommended medications are usually tablets, lozenges, or liquids, and are generally easy to swallow. In addition, because the infection can be a symptom of other medical problems, your doctor may also want to run another test to identify further problems with fungal infections in the mouth.

Characteristics of Fungal Infection in Your Mouth
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