Diabetes Cannot Be Cured, Then How To Control It? This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


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Controlling diabetes may require struggle. However, the results of this effort will certainly be commensurate with your health. Furthermore, your risk of various diabetic complications such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, even blindness will also decrease.

Basically, the main key to controlling diabetes is to keep blood sugar levels within normal limits. Even though it sounds difficult, there are simple steps you can follow. Anything?

Various ways to control diabetes that you should know

1. Diligently check blood sugar

The first way to control diabetes that you must do is to diligently check blood sugar. Blood sugar checks are done as a monitoring effort if the blood sugar levels in your body are within normal limits. In addition, this can also help you determine whether or not you need to make adjustments to the foods and drugs you consume daily.

Routinely check your blood sugar every day. No need to bother going to the doctor to check blood sugar. Because you can do it yourself at home using glucose meter which has been sold in the market. However, make sure you understand how to use the tool.

2. Consistently apply a healthy diet

A healthy diet plays an important role as a way to control diabetes. This can be done by reducing the amount of salt and sodium that you consume. Avoid high-fat foods and processed foods and packaging. Reduce all types of sweet foods and drinks. Occasionally eating sweet foods is okay, as long as you eat small portions.

No less important, replace your sugar with a low-calorie sweetener. Choose carbohydrates that have a relatively low glycemic index.

Even though it will be difficult, don't give up easily. Do it gradually and make the easiest eating habits for you to live. If necessary, consult a doctor or nutritionist at the nearest hospital. Nutritionists will help you to develop a healthy diet that suits your condition.

3. Calculate carbohydrate intake

Simple carbohydrates are arguably the biggest enemy of diabetes because they cause rapid increases and decreases in blood sugar. That is why it is important to calculate your daily carbohydrate intake. Calculating carbohydrates is a way that you can use to balance your blood sugar levels, so keeping normal blood sugar is not too difficult.

Most women need 45 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per serving. While men need 60-75 grams of carbohydrates per serving. In 100 grams of rice or pasta itself contains 40 grams of carbohydrates.

Well, to meet your carbohydrate needs, combine carbohydrate and protein intake like nuts. Also add vegetables to your daily diet. The combination of the three will help slow the digestive system to make you feel full without fear of raising blood sugar.

Choose high-fiber carbohydrates because fiber not only helps control blood sugar, but also clears cholesterol from blood vessels. Some good sources of fiber and carbohydrates include whole wheat, brown rice, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and red beans.

Find out which carbohydrate sources are healthy for you. The more you can limit or avoid unhealthy carbohydrate sources, the better.

4. Regular exercise

Exercise is the best way to reduce blood sugar. Unfortunately, this effect will quickly disappear within a week after you stop doing it. Therefore, exercise regularly. Try to exercise for at least 30-45 minutes every 5 times a week.

You can do any sport you like. In essence, make yourself active every day. So, it doesn't matter even if it's just walking, swimming, cycling, running, or just going down the stairs.

Besides being able to help lower blood sugar, exercise can also release endorphins that can make your mood better.

5. Avoid all things that cause stress

Stress in addition to raising blood pressure also turns out to increase blood sugar levels. Yes, stress can trigger hormonal changes for many people. The result not only makes your blood sugar increase, but also makes you want to continue eating. Especially eating sweet foods.

So, it's important for you to avoid all things that cause stress and learn how to reduce stress itself.

There are a number of things you can do to control stress, namely doing hobbies, listening to soothing music, getting enough sleep, meditation, and so on. Meeting friends, friends, or partners that make your mood good can also be a powerful way to reduce stress.

Diabetes is a complex disease. Your doctor cannot handle it yourself without your help. Therefore, the key to successful control of diabetes basically depends on how disciplined you are to consistently implement a healthy lifestyle as mentioned above.

Diabetes Cannot Be Cured, Then How To Control It? This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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