Differences in Sleep Patterns Between Introverts and Extroverts


Medical Video: S01E04 - Sleep patterns in introverts and extroverts

You could say, extroverts and introverts like two sides of a coin. Extroverts are people who tend to be more expressive in attitude, while introverts are more likely to be closed. It turned out that the difference between the two did not arrive here. Sleep patterns, even what you dream of, extroverts and introverts can also be different! See the explanation below,

Differences in sleep patterns between extroverts and introverts

Those who have extroverted personalities usually spend more time interacting socially. That is why extroverts tend to sleep late or may even stay up late, to vent their inner needs to get interaction.

Uniquely, extroverts are reported to be able to sleep better all night, so it's not surprising if they feel more energized and energized when they wake up early to move.

Meanwhile, the opposite is true for introverts. Those with introverted personality tend to fall asleep more easily when they intentionally want to stay awake than extroverts. This might be related to how an introvert overcame the stress he had been exposed to during the day.

The social interactions experienced during the day continue to stimulate the introvert's brain activity, which can make it quickly exhausted emotionally. Higher brain sensitivity to external stimulation also makes introverts feel "depressed" easily if they are in a crowded, loud or crowded environment. As a result, they are easier to feel anxiety and stress than extroverts. This anxiety and stress makes it easy for them to sleep at night, but ironically it also causes them to wake up easily in the middle of the night.

In general, better quality of extroverted sleep makes them feel more satisfied with energy surges during daytime activities than those reported by introverts. This finding is the result of a surveyin 1000 Americans conducted by Best Mattress Brand with two groups of people with different personalities: extroverts and introverts.

What extroverts and introverts dream of is also different

The above survey also found that introverts were more likely to experience nightmares than extroverts. Introverted groups also tend to dream of abstract story themes, such as teeth falling off or falling from a ravine without cause. Meanwhile, extroverts often dream about adventure and traveling.

Personality is not the only thing that determines a person's sleep quality

This study does not explain why what is the cause of the pattern above, but only process each participant's questionnaire and present it in a data.

Personality is not the only thing that determines a person's sleep quality, one's environment and habits also influence. Extroverts and introverts can have the same quality of sleep so that their daily lives are more productive and emotionally stable, by applying good sleep habits. For example by not playing cellphones before going to bed, not eating near bedtime, and so forth.

Differences in Sleep Patterns Between Introverts and Extroverts
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