Do you often get itching at night? This is the reason


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Already ready to rest after a day of activity, suddenly you feel extraordinary itching. Do you often experience this? Or maybe you have fallen asleep, but eventually wake up because your whole body becomes itchy. Itching at night is very disturbing. Therefore, learn more about the various causes and ways to deal with itching every night below.

Why does the skin become more itchy at night?

Itching is usually caused by substances due to inflammation of the skin. The causes can range from skin diseases, health conditions, allergic reactions, or your psychological condition. However, the three things below can indeed make the itching feel worse at night.

Biological body clock

In most cases, your skin itches at night because of changes in the circadian rhythm in the body. Circadian rhythm is a biological clock that determines how each organ of your body works. For example, during the day your digestive system is working hard, while at night your digestive system will rest.

Now, the circadian rhythms that change at night can make you more susceptible to itching. At night, your body produces many proteins called cytokines. This type of protein can make inflammation worse. While the corticosteroid hormone which is responsible for fighting inflammation is only produced in small amounts at night.

Therefore, your skin becomes more inflamed at night. Inflammatory symptoms include itching, redness, or swelling.

Dry skin

At night, human skin will also become drier. This is because usually the air temperature decreases so it's cooler at night. Dry skin which in the medical world is called xerosis usually looks scaly, cracked, and feels very itchy.

Itching is more pronounced at night

In other cases, you actually feel itching in the morning or afternoon. However, because it is busy with activities, the itching does not feel very much. While at night before going to bed for example, there are no things that can take your attention. The itching that appears also feels even more intense.

Various causes of itching that strike every night

The following are various possibilities why you often experience itching before going to sleep or even when you are asleep.

  • Skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis
  • Insect bites like mosquitoes, mites, ticks, or pinworms
  • Psychological conditions such as stress, depression, and anxiety disorders
  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Kidney or liver disease
  • Thyroid disease
  • Sleep disorders such as restless leg syndrome
  • Nerve disorders due to multiple sclerosis, or diabetes
  • Allergic reactions to food, drinks, cosmetic products, or drugs

Overcoming itching at night

To prevent and overcome itching at night, you can do the steps below.

  • Wear cotton nightgowns.
  • Use moisturizer (body lotion) after bathing or before going to bed.
  • Don't take a shower with hot water. If you want to take a warm bath, you can use lukewarm water.
  • Compress the itchy part with cold compresses.
  • Make sure the temperature of your room is cool enough but still damp. If necessary, install air moisturizer (humidifier) in the evening.
  • Avoid skin care products that can cause irritation. For example perfume, perfumed soap and preservatives, or moisturizers that contain too many chemicals.
  • Take allergy medicine (antihistamines).
  • Apply ointment or lotion calamine.

If you have done the steps above but the itch doesn't go away, you should immediately see a doctor. Likewise if you become unable to sleep because you always feel itchy at night.

Do you often get itching at night? This is the reason
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