Don't be confused, this is the difference between the common cold and flu


Medical Video: Is it a Cold or the Flu

People are often confused about the common cold and flu. Because, both have symptoms that are similar to sneezing, sore throat, or blocked nose. If you think the symptoms are flu symptoms, you are wrong. Confused? Calm down first. All your confusion will be answered through the following full review.

What's the difference between a common cold and flu?

Common cold

Colds are infections of the upper respiratory tract caused by viruses. Of the 100 types of viruses that cause different colds, Rhinovirus is a type of virus that easily transmits colds causing sneezing.

Everyone can get a cold at any time, at least two to three times a year. However, colds most often occur in the winter or rainy season. This is because most cold viruses easily develop in low temperatures (cold) and dry air.

Colds are transmitted through droplets or drops of water from coughing or sneezing released by the patient. These drops will then stick to various surfaces such as tables, clothes, door handles, and other objects. When someone touches the surface and then touches the nose, mouth, or eyes, the virus will move into the body.

This transmission occurs most quickly in the first two to four days after you get a cold virus. Therefore, you are encouraged to rest at home so as not to infect others.


Influenza or flu can be caused by three types of flu viruses, namely influenza A, influenza B, and inluenza C. Unlike colds that can occur throughout the year, for flu cases it is usually more seasonal and many are caused by influenza types A and B.

The method of transmission of flu is the same as a cold, which is by inhalation of granules containing flu viruses into the body. Unlike the common cold, flu can develop into a more serious disease such as pneumonia. This is particularly vulnerable to young people, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with weak immune systems such as asthma, heart disease, or diabetes.

flu is more severe in men

How do you differentiate common cold and flu symptoms?

Flu and colds are both caused by viruses and both attack the respiratory system. The most obvious difference between the two lies in the symptoms caused.

Symptoms of a cold

Cold symptoms tend to be lighter than flu, including:

  • Sore throat, which usually goes away in one or two days.
  • Nasal congestion or runny nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Cough with phlegm is green or yellow.
  • Headaches (sometimes).
  • Limp body.

Mucus or runny nose that comes out during a runny nose is usually clear for the first few days. However, the texture of snot will thicken and become darker, indicating that there is an effort to fight off a viral infection in your body. However, colds usually improve quickly within 7 to 10 days.

Flu symptoms

Meanwhile, flu symptoms come faster and are more severe than cold symptoms. Some of the flu symptoms include:

  • High fever for 3-5 days, although not all of them feel fever.
  • Often severe headaches.
  • Dry cough.
  • Occasional sore throat.
  • The body trembles and shivers.
  • Muscle pain throughout the body.
  • Severe fatigue for 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Nausea and vomiting, most common in children.

Flu symptoms will get worse gradually, in 2 to 5 days. For more details, let's peel this disease one by one.

The difference in how to treat colds and common cold

Cold medicine

The best way to treat flu is to just drink lots of water and get enough rest. To reduce flu symptoms, you can take decongestants and painkillers. However, you are not recommended to give aspirin to children who have the flu, because this can increase the risk of developing a rare disease called Reye's syndrome.

Doctors may prescribe antiviral drugs, such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu), zanamivir (Relenza), or peramivir (Rapivab). These drugs can speed recovery from the flu and prevent complications of pneumonia. However, you must consult a doctor before taking these drugs.

Common cold medicine

Because colds are caused by viral infections, the use of antibiotics does not work to treat colds. However, consumption of several drugs such as antihistamines, decongestants, paracetamol (acetaminophen), and NSAIDs can help reduce symptoms of colds. This should be accompanied by drinking lots of water to avoid dehydration.

You can also use natural-based medicines that contain zinc, vitamin C, or vitamin D to help relieve cold symptoms. One study reported that high-dose zinc capsules (80 milligrams) can shorten the duration of colds if taken within 24 hours after symptoms appear. Whereas vitamin C does not seem to be able to prevent colds, but if taken consistently it will reduce the symptoms of a cold.

A normal cold usually heals within 7 to 10 days. Immediately visit a doctor if symptoms do not subside for more than one week accompanied by high fever.

How to prevent common cold and flu


The best way to avoid flu is to get a flu vaccine. Most doctors recommend giving flu vaccine at the start of the flu season. In addition, wash your hands with soap and running water regularly or use it hand sanitizerto prevent transmission of flu.

Common cold

The only best way to prevent colds is to avoid exposure, including people who are sick and don't borrow personal items at the same time, such as toothbrushes or towels. Wherever you are, wash your hands frequently with soap to avoid the possibility of transmitting the virus from various objects that you hold.

Don't be confused, this is the difference between the common cold and flu
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