List of Natural Boils and Boils Remedies at the Pharmacy


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You may have ulcers, which usually occur in the area of ​​the face, neck, armpits, shoulders and buttocks. Boils usually occur when you are a child, but do not rule out the possibility when you are an adult you can have boils too. These skin problems can be painful and embarrassing too, so it is important for you to immediately treat boils to quickly disappear. You can buy boils at the pharmacy or also use natural boils to treat boils.

What causes boils?

Boils are infections of the skin caused by bacteria. The group of bacteria that commonly causes ulcers are staphylococcus bacteria. These bacteria enter the body through cavities or small wounds on the skin, then walk down the hair follicles or oil glands on the skin which can cause infection.

Initially, the infected skin becomes red, a lump appears that continues to develop, feels painful, and warm. After four or seven days, the lump begins to turn white and filled with pus.

Medication for boils from natural ingredients

Boils that are still not too big or not severe may be able to handle using natural medicines. Some herbal medicines that are believed to treat boils are:

1. Turmeric

The usual spices added to this dish are also useful for treating boils. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, making it effective in killing bacteria that cause ulcers. You can apply turmeric directly crushed on top of boils to help treat it.

2. Tea tree oil (tea tree oil)

This oil can also help you treat ulcers because they contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. Use it directly on your boils to reduce swelling and eliminate infection.

3. Warm compresses

One way you can do to speed up healing is to compress boils with warm water. Apply warm water compresses to boils for 10 minutes 3-4 times a day. Heat can increase blood circulation to the affected area, so it can speed healing. Warm water can also reduce pain and help draw pus in the boils out.

Clean the pus that comes out well, cover the boil with gauze to prevent the spread of infection. Don't forget to wash your hands with warm water and soap afterwards.

Medicine for boils in a pharmacy

In addition to natural remedies, you can also treat ulcers with boils in pharmacies. Some medications that can help treat your boils are:

  • Mupirocin. Is a topical antibiotic that can treat boils. This drug belongs to the class of antibiotics known as monoxycarbolic acid. This antibiotic is very effective in fighting infectious bacteria (boils).
  • Gentamicin. An ointment containing broad-spectrum antibiotics that can treat ulcers on the skin. How to use it, namely by applying just a little of this ointment to your boils 3-4 times a day. It is recommended that you do not use the ointment for more than two weeks. Because long-term use can increase the risk of resistance to antibiotics.
  • Benzocaine. This ointment can help relieve pain from boils. This is because the content of this ointment can block the transmission of pain signals. Using just this little ointment has been able to reduce your pain. So, you should not overdo it because it can cause side effects.

You might also need it drug paracetamol or ibuprofen. Both of these drugs can help relieve the pain caused by boils.

If you have a fever, swollen lymph nodes, the skin around the boil is red, the pain is unbearable, a second boil appears, or the boil is not flat and dry, you should immediately consult your doctor.

List of Natural Boils and Boils Remedies at the Pharmacy
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