Drinking Multivitamins When Pregnant, Can It Really Prevent Autism?


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Every parent would want their children to grow and develop well into adulthood. Even in the womb, prospective mothers will be very guarding all the food that enters the body, so that the fetus can grow healthy. Including taking various supplements and multivitamins during pregnancy. Multivitamins during pregnancy are touted as one of the things that must be done by pregnant women. Not only maintaining body health, he said multivitamins can prevent autism in children. Is this true? How can?

Is it true that a multivitamin drink during pregnancy can prevent autism?

Autism is a nervous system disorder that occurs and causes children to have difficulty communicating and adapting to their surroundings. If you take a multivitamin when you are pregnant, then you don't need to worry too much about this will happen to your little one later.

This statement comes from a study recently published in the British Medical Journal which states that taking a multivitamin during pregnancy can reduce the risk of autism. In the study there were 273,107 mothers and children who were participants in the study. This study asked about the maternal health history, following during pregnancy, until the child is around 4 years old.

Then, from the study it was found that mothers who took multivitamins during pregnancy, their children had a lower risk of being exposed to the study, mentioning that multivitamins consumed by mothers during pregnancy such as iron supplements, folic acid supplements, and various other minerals.

In another study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, stated that mothers who were given food with high folic acid, including folic acid supplements, tended to have lower risk autism children.

If you have taken a multivitamin when you are pregnant it is certain to prevent autism?

Actually, because autism until now is not known exactly what causes it, then there are no definite preventive steps. However, every parent can certainly reduce various risk factors from this disease of autism, including maintaining the health of the fetus during pregnancy by taking the necessary multivitamins.Another thing you can do to prevent autism, namely:

  • Applying a healthy life, not only choosing healthy foods and fulfilling nutritional needs, you also have to exercise during pregnancy. But make sure that the physical activity that you do is safe.
  • Frequently check the womb. Check with your doctor regularly is important to see if the fetus grows and develops well or not. From here, you can also know the health status of you and the fetus.
  • Make immunizations before and during pregnancy. In order not to get an infectious disease that can increase the risk of autism in children, you should make an immunization or vaccine before becoming pregnant. To make immunizations, better discuss it with your doctor. the article, there are some immunizations that do have to be done before, during and after pregnancy.

So, should you take a multivitamin when you are pregnant?

Multivitamins that contain minerals and vitamins are also mentioned can also reduce the various risks of complications that can occur during pregnancy. In addition to reducing the risk of autism, in various studies it is also said that multivitamins can help the fetus grow and develop optimally.

Indeed, when a woman is pregnant, her nutritional needs will increase. Therefore, pregnant women should consume more portions of food than before and foods that are high in nutrients. Well, sometimes there are mothers who cannot fulfill all nutritional needs only from food alone and this is where mothers need a multivitamin.

Usually, vitamins are needed when pregnant, namely folic acid, iron, calcium, and various other minerals. However, to find out how much vitamin you need during pregnancy, you should discuss it with the doctor who handles you.

Drinking Multivitamins When Pregnant, Can It Really Prevent Autism?
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