Earwax How It Turns Black, Why?


Medical Video: The Color And Texture Of Your Earwax Reveals Everything About Your Health

Have you ever noticed the color of dirt from within your own ear? Even though it's disgusting, the color of earwax can change and indicate the cleanliness and health of your ears. Normally, earwax is yellow or tanned. But at certain times, earwax can turn black. Well, what causes earwax to be black? Do you need to see a doctor if this condition occurs? Come on, find out the answer below.

The cause of earwax is black

Actually, the dirt in your ear (cerumen) has its own function, you know. The dirt can block bacteria, insects, water, and other substances from entering the ear canal. In addition, cerumen also maintains the acidity of the ear to prevent infection.

This dirt is formed from sweat, oil, dead skin cells that accumulate into one. Although generally yellow or brown, earwax can be pitch black. This condition is common and rarely indicates a serious condition. Here are some of the causes of black earwax that you need to know, such as:

1. Age and gender factors

Older people, especially men, are more likely to experience accumulation of earwax so that the color will turn dark black. Age also causes less earwax, but the texture is more sticky and thick. As a result, earwax dries longer, turns black, and accumulates in the ear canal.

2. Earwax piles up

The color of black earwax is a sign that dirt has accumulated for a long time in your ear canal. Stool accumulation occurs because the glands in the ear canal produce more dirt than usual. Usually when you feel stressed, anxious, or anxious.

Extra dirt that is initially yellow will accumulate, dry out, and turn dark. Fortunately, earwax will slowly be pushed out of the ear canal and your ear will be clean again.

3. Clogged ears

Use cotton bud it's easy and fun. However, it can cause dirt to be pushed back in and eventually block the ear canal. Over time the dirt will become denser and darker.

Clogged earwax usually causes several symptoms, namely:

  • The ears are painful and itchy
  • Dizzy
  • Hearing impaired

Tips for overcoming black earwax

overcome clogged ears

The causes of black earwax are mostly caused by buildup in the ear canal. This condition increases the risk of clogged ears. To overcome the buildup of earwax. You can take part in various treatments, including:

1. Use ear drops

Using fingers or cotton bud not a wise way to deal with accumulated earwax. You need ear drops to soften the dirt so it's easier to remove.

You can find various types of ear drops at pharmacies, such as glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, peroxide, olive oil, or baby oil.How to use it is quite easy, namely drops 2 to 3 drops of medicine into the ear. Wait a few moments, then your ears are cleaned.

2. Doctor care

If ear drops do not work, immediately see an ENT doctor. Doctors will recommend several treatments to remove accumulated earwax, such as:

  • Lift earwax with a small device called a curette. This tool is designed to erode dirt from the ear canal.
  • Suck up earwax that accumulates with special tools that work like a small vacuum cleaner.
  • Do irrigation, which is to put a salt solution into the ear canal to soften earwax so that it is easily removed.

Blockage of earwax can be prevented

Preventing blockage of earwax that accumulates can be done by cleaning the ears. However, not too often and certainly how to clean the ears must also be correct. If you have had this problem before, you should check with your doctor regularly.

Avoid using cotton bud and limit the use of headphones with loud volume. Both of these are often done when you can prevent earwax from coming out on its own. Don't forget to always dry your ears after bathing with a towel and use the head cover when swimming.

Earwax How It Turns Black, Why?
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