Finger peeling skin? Get to know the causes and how to overcome them


Medical Video: How to Get Rid of Peeling Fingertips

Most people have experienced flaking skin. Flaking skin can occur anywhere, including the fingertips. Generally, this flaking skin is not worrying because it is caused by irritation from the environment. But in some cases, flaking finger skin can be caused by symptoms of certain health conditions. What are the causes and how to treat them? See here the reviews.

Some of the causes of finger skin peel off

Skin on the peeling fingertips is generally caused by environmental factors and symptoms of certain health conditions.

Environmental factor

The most common environmental factor that makes the skin flake is the weather. Even though you cannot change the weather, you can limit yourself and make sure that the skin does not peel when exposed to air in the outside environment.

The following are environmental factors that can affect the flaking of the finger skin.

1. Dry skin

Dry skin is often the cause of flaking fingertip skin. Dry skin usually often occurs in cold weather. You may also be more susceptible to dry skin if you bathe in warm water.

Sometimes, hard ingredients contained in soap or other toiletries can also cause dry skin. Some of the symptoms that appear with dry skin are itching, cracked skin, reddened skin, and skin numbness or numbness.

If this is the case, you can simply use soap with safe ingredients and use moisturizer for your hands. You also need to avoid using warm water when taking a shower or washing your hands.

2. Wash your hands too often

Excessive hand washing with soap can cause the skin to dry out and eventually the finger skin peels at the edges.

Although hand washing is very important to reduce the spread of bacteria, too often using soap can remove oil that is a protective skin.

After this oil is gone, the skin can no longer maintain moisture, causing dry skin. The soap will also absorb into the more sensitive layers of the skin which cause irritation and peeling.

To overcome this, you only need to wash your hands if necessary and use products that are safe for the skin. You only need to wash your hands if dirty, before and after eating, and after from the toilet. Also avoid drying your hands with a rough tissue or towel, because it can make irritation worse.

3. Using products with harsh chemicals

Certain chemicals added to moisturizers, soaps, shampoos and other beauty products can cause skin irritation which causes the skin of the fingertips to peel. Common causes of irritation include antibacterial ointments, preservatives such as formaldehyde, and cocamidopropyl betaine isothiazolinones.

Your body may not react to all these chemicals. Therefore, your doctor may need a sample test to determine your body's reaction to certain substances.

The best rule to avoid harsh chemicals is to look for products that are marketed for sensitive skin. These products are usually free of fragrances and other irritating ingredients.

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4. Sunburn skin

Exposure to sunlight for a long time can cause sunburn, making the skin feel warm and more sensitive to the touch.

After being exposed to sunlight, the skin will turn red and then begin to peel off. Sunburned skin can be very annoying and can take several days or even a week to get well.

During healing, you can treat burns using cold compresses and moisturizers to the affected area. You may also be able to use over-the-counter painkillers to relieve symptoms.

In addition, apply sunscreen orsunscreen regularly is the only way to avoid burning skin.

5. Finger sucking

Finger sucking or thumb sucking most often can be a cause of dry and flaking skin in children. This may be a habit that is often done by babies or toddlers.

This habit you need to pay attention to, so it can prevent your child from experiencing flaking and cracking of the skin. If your little one is difficult to let go of this habit, maybe you can discuss it with your pediatrician, to get the right solution.

Certain medical conditions

Sometimes, flaking fingertips are an early sign of certain medical conditions. The following are some medical conditions related to flaking finger skin.

1. Allergy

The skin at your fingertips can peel if you are allergic to something that is about the skin of your finger. For example, you might get nickel when wearing low quality jewelry. This allergy will cause red and itchy skin. Then the skin will blister and eventually peel off.

Another possibility is allergic to latex. Latex reactions can vary and can cause anaphylactic shock, which requires immediate medical treatment. A lighter reaction can cause itching, flaking finger skin and swelling.

If your symptoms get worse or stay for more than one or two days, see your doctor immediately.

2. Lack of niacin (vitamin B3) or vitamin A poisoning

Too little or too much of a certain vitamin can cause your skin to peel off. Pellagra is a condition that results from a lack of vitamin B-3 (niacin) in food, which can cause dermatitis, as well as diarrhea and even dementia.

Niacin supplements are the only way to restore your vitamin B-3 levels. Before taking this supplement, talk with your doctor whether this supplement is safe for consumption and ask what dose is needed.

Also, if you consume too much vitamin A, it can also cause skin irritation and cracked and flaky nails. Other symptoms include nausea, dizziness, headache, and fatigue.

If you experience these symptoms, visit a doctor, to get the right diagnosis of the symptoms you feel and the right treatment.

treat skin eczema

3. Eczema on the hand

Having inflamed skin or experiencing atopic dermatitis can also cause eczema on the hands. Hand eczema appears as an irritated skin that may look red, cracked or cracked, itchy, and more sensitive to the touch.

Although exposed to certain chemicals or substances can cause hand eczema, genetics can also play a role in this condition. So, if this problem does not heal, you should immediately see a doctor.

Overcoming eczema on the hand can use soap made from soft, avoid warm or hot water, and often apply hand moisturizer. If you know the triggers of your eczema, avoid or use gloves.

4. Psoriasis

Finger skin peeling can be a symptom of psoriasis, a chronic skin condition that can appear as silvery plaque on the skin. There are many treatments available for psoriasis in the hand, such as tar, salicylic acid, corticosteroids, and calcipotriene.

5. Kawasaki Disease

Kawasaki disease is a rare condition that is mainly owned by children under the age of 5 years. Occurs for several weeks, and symptoms appear in three different stages.

The first stage is characterized by high fever which lasts for five days or more. The peeling fingertips often characterize the middle stage of this condition. Redness and swelling of the palms and soles usually occur in the final stages.

Finger peeling skin? Get to know the causes and how to overcome them
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