Follow These Right Bath Rules If You Have Eczema


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Bathing may be a fun ritual for most people, but not for people who have eczema. Because the eczema can cause itching, redness, and dryness on the skin which will make you feel uncomfortable. Sadly, this condition can get worse if you don't really understand how to bathe for the right eczema.

Some things that must be considered by sufferers of eczema before bathing

overcoming eczema

Not only are the steps to take a bath that you need to pay attention to when having eczema. You are required to be more observant in sorting out which skin care products best suit your condition. Because the wrong choice of product content, it can even irritate the skin which will worsen the condition of eczema.

You should avoid bath products or skin care (such as soap, cream, or body lotion) that contain fragrances, lots of foam, and artificial coloring. According to Yunyoung Claire Chang, MD, a skin specialist at Union Square Laser Dermatology in New York City, that the ingredients can cause irritation and allergies to the skin.

Also pay attention to the temperature of the water when bathing. The National Eczema Association (NEA) encourages you to use warm water temperatures - which are not too hot or cold. The reason is because this water temperature can help to maintain skin moisture.

Also, make sure you regularly apply care products that can moisturize the skin. As explained earlier, skin with eczema is prone to dryness and cracking. That's why you need skin care products that can provide optimal moisture for your eczema skin.

Moist skin will lock in the water content on the skin which can prevent the risk of infection. The best time to apply a moisturizer is three minutes after finishing the bath, according to Dr. Chang.

So, what are the rules for bathing for eczema?

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Reported from Everyday Health, National Eczema Association recommends several important steps for those of you who want to take a bath for eczema. This step is believed to help alleviate the symptoms of eczema.

First, fill your bathtub with warm water as recommended. Then let your body soak in it for about 5-10 minutes, using fragrance-free soap and coloring. Gently rub the soap all over the body without strong energy. Avoid bathing too long because it can actually worsen eczema symptoms.

Second, gently brush the towel or just gently pat it around your body. It is better not to dry completely. Leave the skin in a slightly moist state to facilitate absorption of drugs and skin moisturizing products.

Third, use topical drugs for eczema (ointments, creams or lotions) according to your doctor's prescription. You can apply this medicine as soon as you finish drying your body with a towel.

FourthAfter finishing using topical medicine, continue by applying a moisturizer that suits the condition of your skin. In addition to prescribing topical medication, doctors will also usually give you skin moisturizing products depending on the condition of your eczema.

Fifth, give a moment for the skin to absorb all the care that has been given before you wear clothes. Give pause for at least 3-5 minutes. The goal is to keep moisture in the area of ​​the skin affected by eczema. As an additional treatment, it is important to meet the fluid needs so that the body remains optimally hydrated.

Follow These Right Bath Rules If You Have Eczema
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