4 Healthy Alternatives to Coffee Replacement in the Morning


Medical Video: 4 Healthy Alternatives to Coffee for All Day Energy

Are you one of the people who can't start activities if they don't drink coffee? If yes, maybe you have already been addicted to coffee. Coffee is said to be able to help someone to really wake up in the morning because of the caffeine contained in it. Caffeine is a stimulant that works to affect the work of the brain and nervous system. In small amounts, caffeine can cause a person to feel more refreshed, alert, and focused. In large quantities, caffeine can cause excessive nervousness to sleep disorders.

Why don't you drink coffee in the morning?

In the morning it turns out that is actually the wrong time to consume coffee, this is related to the production of the hormone cortisol which tends to be high in the morning. The hormone cortisol plays a role in the response to stress and low blood sugar levels. If you consume caffeine when the hormone cortisol is high, caffeine can affect the production of these hormones. So, your body will produce less cortisol and cause the body to tend to rely on caffeine. This is also the reason why someone is addicted to caffeine, because caffeine seems to replace the work of the more natural cortisol hormone when you wake up in the morning.

What is the maximum limit of caffeine in one day?

How your body reacts to caffeine and how much your daily caffeine intake limits, varies from person to person, depending on body weight, metabolism, body health, how often your body regularly gets caffeine intake. But usually, the limit of consumption of caffeine per day is still relatively normal, amounting to 400 mg. For comparison, one portion of espresso or latte can contain up to 200 mg of caffeine, while instant coffee has caffeine levels of up to 100 mg per serving.

How does caffeine affect the body?

Caffeine works more or less the same as the adrenal hormone. When we feel fear or stress, the adrenal glands near the kidneys release adrenaline directly into the blood vessels. The result of this release of adrenaline hormone is increased breathing and heartbeat and sudden but temporary energy surges.

Like other stimulant components, you can experience an increase in the tolerance limit of caffeine. This means that from time to time, you will need an increasing amount of caffeine to get the same effect. Over time your body becomes dependent on caffeine in order to function optimally. One of the things that makes it difficult to get rid of caffeine addiction is because of habits, for example you are accustomed to eating coffee before each morning so that you will feel incomplete and cannot function optimally before consuming coffee.

Alternative coffee substitute in the morning

To prevent you from experiencing an increase in the tolerance limit of caffeine and addiction to coffee, there are several alternatives that you can consume to replace your coffee in the morning:

Green tea

Besides coffee, tea is also a source of caffeine. Depending on the type of tea and how the method of brewing it, the amount of caffeine in tea varies between 30 to 100 mg per serving. Green tea is one type of tea that contains caffeine, the levels are certainly not as much as caffeine in coffee, but enough to make you feel refreshed in the morning without giving side effects such as coffee. Not only caffeine, green tea is also famous for its various health benefits. One of them is the content of catechins in green tea that work as antioxidants and function to prevent various diseases.

Infused water

If you have never tried infused water, then this is one of your chances to include these rose drinks on your breakfast menu. You can mix lemon, mint leaves and cucumber into a bottle of water and then drink when you wake up. The fresh and slightly sour taste can wake you up as well as coffee. If you want a warm drink, you can mix lemon juice with a glass of warm water.


You may have heard that an apple can replace your coffee in the morning. This is not related to caffeine levels, because apples themselves do not contain caffeine. But this sugar level in apples raises the theory that apples can replace coffee. One reason coffee can help you function optimally in the morning is the sugar content. Not only does caffeine stimulate the workings of the nervous system, the sugar you usually add to coffee plays a role in increasing blood sugar levels, making you feel refreshed and focused. As you already know, low blood sugar levels can cause a person to feel weak and have difficulty concentrating.

If you are used to using a spoon of sugar for a cup of coffee, then one small apple has the same sugar content. The difference is how quickly the sugar can be used by the body. Sugar derived from sugar is absorbed faster by the body, giving you a fast but fast energy injection. While the sugar in the apple works slowly.


A cup of warm ginger in the morning can have the same effect as a cup of coffee, plus its benefits for digestive health, you need to take into account replacing your coffee with ginger. Relieve stomach pain, reduce bloating, prevent colds, and improve your mood is part of the benefits of ginger. Its distinctive and strong aroma can also wake you up as well as coffee. If you are not used to eating ginger, you can try ginger tea which is now on the market.


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4 Healthy Alternatives to Coffee Replacement in the Morning
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