He said, Massage Therapy Can Reduce Blood Pressure. How to?


Medical Video: Acupressure : Acupressure & High Blood Pressure

When you are diagnosed with high blood pressure or hypertension, your doctor will usually prescribe hypertension medication to help control blood pressure. This aims to keep you from the risk of stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure as a form of hypertension complications. Actually, in doing hypertension therapy, you can do various other things and not just rely on drugs from a doctor. One of them is by doing massage therapy.

High blood pressure can be triggered by stress

Have you ever felt blood pressure suddenly rise when you are stressed? You are certainly not alone. Stress can indeed cause blood pressure to rise, even if indirectly.

When you are stressed, you tend to be more easily tempted to do unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking, overeating, lazy exercise, and so on. This bad habit can easily increase your blood pressure. So, it is not impossible if stress can make you emotional quickly to high blood pressure.

So, take a moment to make your mind calm so that blood pressure does not necessarily rise. One of them, try massage as one of the therapies for hypertension, which he says is quite effective.

How can massage be a powerful therapy for hypertension?

Reporting from Verywell, a number of studies have proven that massage therapy can help lower blood pressure. One of them was proven by a study published in the 2007 International Journal of Neuroscience on 58 menopausal women who were susceptible to hypertension or prehypertension.

During the study, all participants were given aromatherapy massage using various types of essential oils, such as lavender, rose geranium, red rose, and jasmine. As a result, almost all participants experienced a decrease in blood pressure after getting a massage therapy session.

According to experts, this is because massage therapy can calm the sympathetic nervous system, the nerves that control blood vessels in the body.

When you are stressed, anxious or panic, your sympathetic nervous system becomes active and causes your blood vessels to narrow and constrict. The blood that is supposed to go to vital organs such as the brain and heart is reduced so that it needs to be given excessive pressure so that the blood flow can reach the organs of the body. As a result, blood pressure increases.

Once your body feels relaxed and relaxed, this sympathetic nervous system will "fall asleep" or calm down. Blood vessels will be more open so that blood flow becomes more smooth. As a result, blood pressure will return to normal as before.

Although it can be effective therapy for hypertension, don't just massage

Before you decide to do massage therapy, make sure you have the doctor's permission first. This aims to prevent the risk of serious health problems due to massage at certain points in the body, for example blood clotting problems or the risk of internal bleeding. If the doctor assesses your body's condition is quite healthy and excellent, then you can start massage therapy.

Massage techniques that can control blood pressure are usually done on the face, neck, shoulders and chest. This therapy can be done by various techniques, such as pressing, rubbing, squeezing, or stretching the body muscles, depending on the comfort of each person's body.

Here you can talk to the therapist about which body parts may be massaged and not, soft or deep massage, or if you feel pain in certain parts of the body. The most important thing is that you must understand the condition of your own body when the therapy takes place.

Not only does it make your body relax, massage therapy can also help reduce swelling or edema caused by high blood pressure. So, now you don't need to hesitate to prove yourself the benefits of massage therapy to lower blood pressure.

He said, Massage Therapy Can Reduce Blood Pressure. How to?
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