Why, Yes, My Head Is Sick in the Afternoon Near Afternoon?


Medical Video: SICK DAY ROUTINE! JoJo's Juice

Headaches can strike at any time, including in the middle of lunchtime or late afternoon when you go home from work. Yes, some people often complain of headaches in the afternoon before noon. He said, this is due to the factor of fatigue or the burden of thoughts that accumulate in the head after a day of activities. Is that true?

Actually, what is the headache during the day?

headache in diabetes

Basically, headaches in the afternoon before dusk (afternoon headache) it's the same as other types of headaches. The pain can occur in part or all of the head. The only thing that differentiates is only a matter of time, which is more often appearing during the day until the afternoon.

Quoted from Healthline, headaches during the day are usually caused by activities that you do on that day. For example because of fatigue after a day of activities, lack of drinking, late eating, and so on.

This type of headache is actually not dangerous because usually the symptoms will decrease at night. But in some cases, the pain can get worse and indicate a serious health problem.

What are the causes of headaches during the day?

The causes of headaches during the day can vary, ranging from those that seem trivial to the need to immediately check with the doctor. The following are the causes of headaches during the day that you need to know.

1. Lifestyle

sore stomach after drinking coffee

Being in the sun, dehydration, or stress in the office can be a cause of headaches during the day. Dehydration, for example, can make the brain deprived of oxygen, causing excessive pressure on the head and causing headaches.

Most or lack of sleep can also have the same effect. So, the first step you can do is to change your lifestyle. For example, if you experience headaches during the day due to drinking coffee, then immediately reduce the portion to relieve headaches.

2. Tense headaches

Aka tension headachestension headachebecome one of the most common causes of headaches during the day. This disease is in fact more often experienced by women than men.

Tense headaches are characterized by dull pain that feels pressing and binding throughout the head. Often also followed by an uncomfortable sensation in the back of the neck.

This condition is usually triggered by excessive stress. As a solution, try managing your stress level with breathing exercises or exercise to reduce stress and annoying headaches.

3. The next headache

left headache

One type of headache is a headache cluster (cluster) headache). This type of headache is characterized by pain that suddenly appears behind the eyes or area around the eyes, but only occurs on one side of the head. Whether it's on the right or left head.

This condition is often the cause of headaches during the day and continues into the afternoon. In addition to headaches, this disease is generally followed by other symptoms, namely:

  • The next red eye, which is on one side of the head that is sick
  • Sudden cold
  • Sweaty face
  • Pale skin

Unfortunately, the cause of cluster headaches is unknown. However, drinking alcohol and the side effects of heart disease can trigger and aggravate the next headache.

4. Spontaneous head cavity pressure

pressure of the head cavity

Headaches during the day can also be caused by the pressure of the spontaneous head cavity (SIH), or often referred to as a low pressure headache. Again, this condition is more often experienced by women than men, especially for those of you who are convicted of having weak connective tissue in the brain.

Headache during the day due to SIH feels pierced in the back of the head and radiates to the neck. In fact, the pain can get worse when sneezing or coughing, straining during bowel movements, exercise, bending, until during sex.

Headaches due to SIH are usually followed by other symptoms, namely:

  • Sensitive with light or sound
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Ears ringing
  • Dizzy
  • Back pain to chest
  • Double vision

5. Brain tumors

brain tumor

When the headache feels worse and doesn't heal, you may begin to worry about being afraid of suddenly having a brain tumor. But in fact, headaches during the day are rarely a sign of a brain tumor, how come.

Because, headaches because brain tumors can occur at any time - whether it's morning, afternoon, or night - the alias does not occur at any one time. Headaches due to tumors are usually followed by other symptoms, namely:

  • Nausea
  • Gag
  • Seizures
  • Blurred vision or double vision
  • Hearing problems
  • Talking difficult
  • Numb arms and legs

Even so, headaches during the day can be a sign of a brain tumor. To determine the cause, immediately consult a doctor if you experience any of the symptoms.

Why, Yes, My Head Is Sick in the Afternoon Near Afternoon?
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