Healthy Living Behavior for COPD People Must Be Done


Medical Video: COPD - 10 Tips for People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

When a person is diagnosed with a disease, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the first response that is generally issued is sadness. Especially when they know that this disease has no cure. The despair that plagues can increase even greater. COPD cannot be cured. However, having COPD does not mean your life has been successful. There are still ways you can continue to get a good quality of life, one of which is adopting healthy living behaviors.

Healthy behavior for people with COPD

COPD is an incurable disease. The bad news is, this disease will get worse over time. However, don't be panicked and desperate to know the facts about COPD just now. You can still turn things around for the better.

COPD is a disease that causes damage to the respiratory organs, namely the lungs and airways. Chronic emphysema and bronchitis are two diseases that play a role in damage to your lungs. Once your lungs are damaged, the condition can no longer be restored as usual. However, there are still ways to prevent it from getting damaged and slowing down the course of the disease, namely by applying healthy behaviors.

Healthy living behavior has been recognized to bring many positive effects on the body, especially those who have chronic diseases such as diabetes and COPD. Having a healthy lifestyle can help patients with chronic diseases have a better quality of life. Moreover, healthy living behaviors are also known to prevent people with COPD from experiencing exacerbations or worsening of symptoms.

So, what healthy behaviors should be applied by people with COPD?

Here are some healthy behaviors that you can apply to have a better quality of life even if you have COPD.

Stop smoking

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Smoking is the main cause of bronchitis and emphysema, a duet of diseases that are the cause of COPD. If you are a smoker and have not stopped, it is very important to stop the habit immediately.

To prevent your COPD from getting worse, all you can do is stay away from the cause, aka the risk factor. Cigarette smoke, including cigarette smoke from other people, is one of the risk factors that cause COPD to get worse. Some other pulmonary irritants that can damage or aggravate your COPD include air pollution, motor vehicle fumes, dust, and wood burning fumes.

Try as much as possible to avoid causing your COPD to worsen. For smoking cases, if you have difficulty stopping smoking, you might be able to see a doctor to get the right strategy from the medical side to stop smoking.


You may be confused about how to be on guard including one of the behaviors of healthy living. Watching here is a form of your anticipation of the worst that might happen. Because, when you have prepared anticipation of an emergency that might occur, the chances of you getting help are also greater.

The first thing you have to do is recognize the signs flare-up,exacerbation, aka worsening symptoms of COPD. Get used to knowing the closest place that you can visit if at any time you have difficulty breathing. Keeping the telephone number of the doctor or other closest person to ask for help is also a smart preparation.

Regular checkups can also help you anticipate the symptoms of COPD that might appear. Tell your doctor if you experience new symptoms or worsening symptoms, such as fever.

Always carry a list of friends or family members who can be contacted if you need to be taken to the hospital. Always carry directions to the nearest doctor's clinic or hospital. You should also bring a list of all the drugs you are using and give them to a doctor who may have to provide emergency medical assistance.

Get good nutrition


Eating healthy foods can make the body healthy too. This healthy behavior is agreed upon by almost all people in the world.Eating properly is an important way to maintain a healthy body and your immune system. How to eat right? With balanced nutrition, of course.

Sometimes, advanced COPD sufferers don't get the nutrition they need to stay healthy. The cause could be decreased appetite, shortness of breath that appears when eating, or even after eating. Though keeping the body still getting nutritious food can help their condition get better.

Eating smaller and more frequent meals might help overcome this problem. Consult with a doctor or nutritionist for this problem. Doctors can also recommend nutritional supplements to ensure that you get the essential nutrients you need.

Try to go on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, beans, olive oil, and whole grains. Reduce consumption of meat, sugar and processed foods. Having a diet known as the Mediterranean diet has been shown to help reduce chronic inflammation and provide lots of fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients to keep you healthy.

Protect yourself from infection

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People with COPD are very vulnerable to the risk of respiratory infections that can trigger flare-up or worsening symptoms of COPD. Infections that affect the airways can often be avoided by good hand washing habits. Influenza viruses that cause colds, for example, are often transmitted by touch. Touching the door handles that have just been held by a flu virus carrier and touching your eyes afterwards can also make you catch the flu that causes colds and coughs.

It is important to wash your hands frequently when in a public place. No need to be too dizzy with requiring antibacterial products as a means of washing hands, unless you are in a health care environment. Flowing water and soap are also good enough, really, to clean hands from potentially infectious germs.

Overcome emotional needs
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People who live with crippling diseases, such as COPD, sometimes lose with anxiety, stress, or depression. That is why, discussing any emotional problems with a doctor or other medical officer is also important. Don't harbor it alone because it's not one of the healthy behaviors.

Wrong-wrong, you can even get caught up in depression which actually has the potential to cause other health problems. Consult with a doctor can be one way to relieve anxiety or a sense of depression that holds you back. Medical professionals may prescribe medication to help you deal with anxiety or depression.

They can also recommend other approaches to help you deal with your emotional needs, such as meditation, special breathing techniques, or joining a support group. Be open with family and friends about haunting thoughts and your worries. Let them help as much as they can.

A natural attitude if you feel worried when diagnosed with an illness, such as COPD. However, don't let it drag on because this disease can still be overcome and controlled by maintaining healthy living behaviors. With a healthy lifestyle and good habits that you run, your body will become fitter and stronger to deal with symptoms better, or even prevent it.

Come on, have the spirit of healthy living behavior!

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Healthy Living Behavior for COPD People Must Be Done
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