How is Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosed in Children and Adults?


Medical Video: Autism Spectrum Disorder and DSM-5 - Presented by Martin Lubetsky, MD

Autism spectrum disorders are increasingly common in children throughout the world. Once a child is diagnosed with autism, he must undergo the condition for the rest of his life. However, early care can help him improve. In order to succeed in overcoming it, autism must be diagnosed as soon as possible. Then when and how can a diagnosis of autism be given by a doctor? Here is the complete information.

Autism diagnosis in children

Sometimes, the diagnosis of autism in children who is still developing is difficult to ascertain. However, getting an early diagnosis can help parents understand their children's needs and provide them with appropriate support and care. The following are the steps for the diagnosis of autism in children.

Doctor consultation

First, you need to consult with your pediatrician first. Make an appointment with a doctor who is experienced with autism children. Bring a note or diary of your child's behavior when seeing a doctor. Remember to record behaviors that make you think that your child has an autism spectrum disorder.


If your child is not in school, the doctor can run M-chat (modification checklist for autism spectrum disorders in toddlers). The doctor will examine the behavior and development of your child, ask him some questions, or talk and play with him to see the child's reaction. For example, how children talk, behave, move, respond, and learn.

Your child (and other children who are not suspected of having an autism spectrum disorder) must undergo an examination at the age of 9 months, 18 months, 24 months, and 30 months. This examination is also known as the term screening. Sometimes, children may need more tests screening if the doctor recommends.

If the doctor sees any signs of problems in your child, it will be done assessment.


Specialists (child development doctors, pediatric neurologists, psychologists, or child psychiatrists) will ask you questions about your child's health and behavior. They will also check their hearing and vision. Neurological tests, genetic tests, and other medical tests may also be recommended if necessary.

In some cases, you and your child will be asked to attend a series of meetings and interviews so that your child's development, behavior, skills and activities can be monitored. After that, then specialists can make a diagnosis of autism.

Autism diagnosis in adults

There are a number of tests on line for autism spectrum disorders, but no one is able to give definite results. You have to see a doctor to understand everything thoroughly.

Getting a diagnosis of autism can help you understand why you have had difficulties, what can be done, and how you can get the right support and care.

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Doctor consultation

If you or the closest people suspect that you have an autism spectrum disorder, look for a trusted doctor who is experienced in dealing with people with autism spectrum disorders. You will have a brief interview with the doctor.

When consulting, explain to him why you or someone else might think that you might have an autism spectrum disorder. For example, you might find it difficult to express feelings and thoughts, communicate with others, or use your imagination.


For assessment You, health professionals (speech therapists, doctors, occupational therapists) will work to see how you behave in social situations. In addition, they will also study childhood, medical history, as well as your personal and work life.

If after this assessment you are diagnosed with autism, they will advise you to attend further meetings to prepare for the next steps.

Early diagnosis can help people with autism to get the right treatment at the right time. That way, your little one or you can learn new skills and improve your ability to face everyday challenges.

According to the UK National Health Service, getting a diagnosis of autism will also help those closest to understanding your condition more deeply. This certainly can improve the quality of your relationship with family, friends, and coworkers.

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How is Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosed in Children and Adults?
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