Is it true that drinking red onion water can reduce asthma symptoms?


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Asthma cannot be cured. However, there are many natural ways that are believed to be effective in relieving asthma attacks. One of the most popular uses used by Indonesian people is to drink onion water. Indeed, what does the medical world say about the benefits of shallots for asthma? Really effective or just mere suggestion?

Complete peel the benefits of onion for asthma

Symptoms of asthma occur when the airways (bronchi) experience inflammation. Inflammation makes the canal swell and narrow. When the airways are blocked, you will have difficulty breathing because there is only very little air that can enter the lungs. So, what is the role of onion in the treatment of asthma?

Shallot can be used as an alternative natural way besides using doctor's medicine to help control the risk of recurrence of asthma attacks. Because the onion is known to contain high antioxidants, which include vitamin C, sulfur, as well as quercetin and cyanidin anthocyanins.

Source: Simply Recipes

A 2015 study published in the DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences states that all types of antioxidants work together to reduce the effects of inflammation in the body, which can dilate the bronchi.

In addition, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties of shallots are also found to help the immune system work more efficiently to fight infections associated with lung and respiratory problems.

One of the best types of anti-inflammatory compounds found in red onion, namely thiosulphinate, is even reported to be very effective in reducing inflammation of the respiratory tract due to asthma attacks.

How do you use onion for asthma?

Interested in using red onion but worried about the stench of onion? For the sake of getting the benefits of onion for asthma, you will only need to drink the boiled water which of course has been mixed with other healthy natural ingredients to make it easier to consume.

Prepare ingredients such as:

  • Red onion to taste
  • 6-8 tablespoons of honey
  • 300-350 grams of brown sugar
  • 2 lemons
  • 5-6 cups of boiled water

Then, this is how to make red onion water for asthma:

  1. Heat brown sugar in the pan using medium heat.
  2. Add the finely chopped onion, then stir until well blended.
  3. Add boiled water, then boil until the water is slightly reduced.
  4. After all the ingredients have boiled, turn off the heat and let it sit until it is slightly cold.
  5. Add lemon juice and honey.
  6. Store the solution in a glass bottle.

You can drink it before meals or when your asthma symptoms are felt to recur.

Drinking rules: one full tablespoon for adults, while one teaspoon for children.

The thing to remember is that even though red onion is considered effective enough to overcome the symptoms of asthma, onions cannot be used as an independent medicine to cure asthma. You still need to consult and get treatment from a doctor, such as an inhaler, bronchodilator, or drinking medication.

In addition to drinking red onion water, keep a healthy lifestyle

type of asthma inhaler

Asthma is a recurring disease that cannot be cured. So in addition to medical treatment and various natural methods such as drinking onion water, you also need to adjust your daily lifestyle to prevent the risk of recurrent asthma attacks.

The most important thing to do is to avoid various asthma triggers, such as pollution and dust fumes, drastic weather or temperature changes, excessive stress, to certain foods or drinks. Everyone has their respective triggers, so it's important to know which things specifically trigger your asthma.

Exercise can also be a treatment for controlling asthma attacks because it strengthens heart and lung function. Consult further with your doctor about how to exercise that is safe for people with asthma.

Finally, don't forget to regularly check lung function regularly using a toolpeak flow meter. This examination also aims to detect as early as possible a problem in the respiratory tract before the symptoms of asthma attack.

Is it true that drinking red onion water can reduce asthma symptoms?
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