Know the Differences in Cancer of the Lymph and Glandular TB


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Although it has symptoms that are generally the same, namely the appearance of a lump, lymph node cancer or in medical terms called lymphoma it is clearly different from TB lymph nodes or called tuberculosis lymphadenitis. The following is the difference between glandular TB and lymph node cancer.

What is TB tuberculosis?

Generally tuberculosis bacteria attack the lungs, but these bacteria can also spread to other organs, such as the brain, bones, lymph nodes, digestive tract, and so forth.

Glandular TB is an infection caused by bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis which attacks the lymph nodes. The lymph gland itself is a gland that produces lymphocytes - one of the white blood cells - that plays a role in the body's immune system. These glands are widely spread in the body, including the neck, armpit, groin, groin and around the internal organs.

What are the symptoms of glandular TB?

The following are symptoms of glandular TB that you should be aware of:

  • The questions that occur most are the presence of lumps that do not cause pain and have lasted for a long time in the affected lymph nodes, for example in the neck - precisely under the jaw, or under the armpit.
  • The lump will continue to grow and enlarge which sometimes will cause pain or pain when touched.
  • In addition to swelling, someone who has glandular TB will also experience common symptoms of tuberculosis, such as feeling weak, fever, chills and weight loss.
  • In some people, lymph node TB does not sometimes cause significant signs even though the bacteria has spread throughout the body. Therefore, if you experience symptoms of major lymph node disease, which is a lump in the lymph nodes, contact your doctor immediately.

What is lymph node cancer?

Lymphoma or commonly called lymph node cancer is cancer that appears in lymphocytes. These cells are in the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and other body parts.

If lymphocyte cells in the lymphatic system are attacked by cancer, then the patient's immune system will experience a decrease so that they are susceptible to infection. This cancer is categorized into two types, namely hodgkin lymphoma and non hodgkin. The main difference lies in the type of lymphocyte cells that are attacked by cancer cells.

What are the symptoms of lymph node cancer?

The following are some of the signs and symptoms of lymph node cancer:

  • The main symptom of lymphoma is the swelling of the gland that causes the growth of lumps in the neck, armpits, or groin.
  • Generally a person who has lymph node cancer will also experience coughing, shortness of breath, fever, chills, cough that does not heal, weight loss, a feverish body that is sustained for a long time, and cold sweat at night.
  • In addition, some people also claim to lose their appetite, which causes a drastic and significant weight loss, then the body feels weak, seizures, abdominal pain, back or bone pain.


The difference in glandular TB with lymph node cancer is indeed difficult to distinguish at a glance. Because if seen from the symptoms, glandular TB and lymph node cancer do have the same main characteristics, namely the emergence of lumps around the lymph nodes. Certain lymph node cancers can grow quickly, like other malignant lumps. However, other lymph node cancers can grow slowly, such as glandular TB.

That is why, if you feel the symptoms described above, immediately see a doctor to ensure a diagnosis of the disease you are experiencing. The earlier the treatment starts, the better the chance to get well again.The doctor will usually do an examination to confirm the diagnosis by biopsy needle aspiration or excision biopsy, which is taking a small portion of tissue for examination in the laboratory.

Know the Differences in Cancer of the Lymph and Glandular TB
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