List of Precautions and Food Advice for COPD Patients


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If you suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD, good nutrition plays an important role in preventing further damage to the lungs. There are foods that can cause bloating or gas, which can affect breathing ability. COPD can limit the lungs to function properly.

It is important to change your diet to optimize your breathing. The following is a list of COPD recommendations and nutritional restrictions that you should know.

Nutritional advice for COPD patients

Food gives you energy and nutrition to carry out daily activities, and one of them is breathing. When you suffer from COPD, you need more energy to breathe than someone without COPD. The muscles that help you breathe can require 10 times more calories than people in general.

Here are some things you should do about COPD nutrition:

1. Add protein to the diet

Protein is very important to protect the body from infection by producing antibodies. When you don't eat enough protein, your lungs can not afford to protect themselves from infection. The best sources of protein are those from meat, fish, eggs, poultry, nuts and dairy products.

2. Maintain a healthy weight

You should consult a doctor or nutritionist regarding the purpose of the right weight and the number of calories that are right for you. When you are overweight, your lungs need to work harder to meet the body's oxygen needs. Planning the right diet, accompanied by regular exercise, can help you achieve healthy weight goals.

3. Drink lots of fluids

You should target drinking at least 6 to 8 ounces a day. By drinking more fluids, you can make mucus runny and easy to cough. You must choose decaffeinated and no carbonated liquids. Water remains the best!

4. Eat small portions more often

This will help prevent your stomach from widening, so that the pressure on the lungs decreases and it is easy for you to breathe. One sign to find out that the stomach affects breathing is if you experience difficulty breathing during meals or right after eating.

5. Clean the airway at least 1 hour before eating

This will help you breathe more easily during meals.

6. Eat slowly while sitting upright

This will help you digest food and breathe more easily during meals.

Dining restrictions for COPD sufferers

Foods that you must avoid are those that can cause bloating and gas, or which hold too much fluid in the body. Also, avoid foods that contain too much fat or low nutritional value. Here are some things you should avoid:

1. Foods that contain too much salt

Be careful with frozen food or food takeaway. This type of food can contain sodium in high quantities. You can check it by looking at the nutritional value label. Look for foods that contain less than 140 mg of sodium per portion.

It may be easier to see the percentages of daily nutritional value (% AKG). If the nutritional adequacy rate is 5% or less per portion, then this is considered low. If the nutritional adequacy rate is more than 20%, then this is considered high sodium. Too much sodium can cause fluid retention and result in difficulty breathing.

2. Overeating

Excessive eating can make you experience excess weight gain. Being overweight can put more pressure on the lungs.

3. Food causes gas or bloating

These foods can include fried foods, spicy foods, nuts, and broccoli. Some fruits that can cause gas are apples, avocados, and melons. When the stomach is full, the lungs become restricted and cannot carry enough oxygen, causing difficulty breathing.

4. Prepare the fooddifficult chewed

You have to keep your food simple and easy to chewed. Save your energy for breathing. You can also ask for help from friends and family to prepare food to save your energy.

Living with COPD can be a challenge, but you can make it easier to deal with a healthy diet. Carrying out what is permissible or not for nutrition of COPD can help you breathe more easily and improve quality of life. You can consult a doctor or nutritionist to help you build a healthy diet plan.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

List of Precautions and Food Advice for COPD Patients
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