Watch a Music Concert? Don't Stand Near the Speaker!


Medical Video: Afrojack & Martin Garrix - Turn Up The Speakers (Official Music Video)

Watching a concert or music festival is certainly fun. In addition to enjoying the live performances of musicians or bands that you like, you can also have fun with friends and even meet new people.

Watching the most exciting concerts is right in front of the stage barricade. Fun and fun, of course also makes you more satisfied enjoying the concert. Unfortunately, if you choose the wrong position, you might be right next to or in front of the alias speaker sound system concert. If this is the case, you have to hold it right with the thunderous sound coming out of this loudspeaker.

Well, if you actually like standing next to the speakers of each concert (or your fate that is indeed unlucky and can stand on the side sound system continue), you should consult your ENT doctor.

So what?

Speaker or sound system the concert is definitely high volume sound. It's the same as watching TV or listening to music through headphones or headset with large volumes, always on the side or close sound system concerts can make your hearing impaired or even damaged.

Even though you may be around 20 and certainly hearing loss at a young age will be very detrimental to both your daily life and your career. As quoted Compass, a study conducted in 2013 by physician Mathias Basner, assistant professor of sleep and chronobiology at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine, the effects of loud noise damage not only damage the ears, but also spread to other parts of the body, increasing the risk cardiovascular disease and sleep disorders.

"In everyday life, loud noise is unavoidable and the availability of a quiet place is rare. That is why we must better understand sound exposure to our overall health, "Basner said.

The research team analyzed observational studies and conducted experiments for 5 years. In the study, they found that exposure to loud sounds could have a wider impact than hearing problems. The impact is then known to be related to the increased risk of hypertension, ischemic heart disease, stroke, and decreased cognitive abilities in children.

As reported, there are two common reasons why a person can lose his hearing, namely:

  • Age. As you age, the tiny hair cells on the inside of your ear will slowly disappear and won't be able to capture the sound vibrations as well as before.
  • Noise. The amount of loud noise all the time can damage the hair cells in your ears.

But just calm down. This can all be prevented, even if you are a metal music concert lover and enjoy watching in the front row.

Avoid a lot of noise

If you have to shout to chat somewhere, then the sound is loud enough to damage your hearing. Motorcycle exhaust sounds, concert speakers, drill or saw equipment, and even earphone with a very loud voice will damage your hearing if you are exposed all the time. Sometimes you can't avoid the noise of an ambulance siren or a construction worker drill in front of the house. But one way to avoid this is to limit your time around them. Your hearing will disappear with the sound and how long you hear it.

Make your own calm

Turn off the noise level in your life by buying tools and devices that have low noise levels. Buy headphones with technology noise canceling if you are often in a noisy place. When you are in a gym, cinema, restaurant or any place that puts on music too loudly, ask the manager to turn down the sound.

Use ear protectors

When you will go to a concert or music festival, make sure you bring ear protectors like:

  • Earplug. Usually this protector is made of rubber. It is used in the ear hole and will reduce noise to 15-30 decibels. You can buy it at a music store or order specifically because each brand of earplug has different capabilities in reducing noise.
  • Earmuff. This one protector definitely fits in your ear and the ability is the same as the earplug, can reduce noise 15-30 decibels. But keep in mind, when you wear it, the earmuff must really fit in your ear.

You can also use earplugs and earmuffs together to get safer protection.

Do not smoke

Who says smoking only causes heart attacks, impotence, and the fetus? Some studies show that smoking can also increase the risk of hearing loss. If you smoke at the concert venue and near concert speakers, the risk of hearing loss will be higher. Stop is the best solution. If you are passive smoker, it is better to avoid people who smoke.

Clean earwax regularly

The buildup of dirt in the ear can reduce the sound you hear and make your hearing a little reduced. But don't scrape it too deep with ear cleaners, because this can actually cause dirt to be pushed deeper. Clean with fine oil and gently clean. If you have trouble, you can go to the doctor for help cleaning it.

Check drugs for hearing risk

There are around 200 drugs that can damage hearing, including some antibiotics and cancer-fighting drugs. Even high-dose aspirin can harm your ears. If you use prescription drugs, check with your doctor to make sure these drugs will not damage your hearing. If you have to use drugs that harm your ears, make sure your doctor checks your hearing and its balance before and after treatment or treatment.

Your hearing test

Make an appointment with your doctor for a hearing test if you:

  • Have family members who have hearing loss
  • Having trouble listening to the conversation
  • Feel like being in a noisy place even when you're in a normal place
  • Often you hear a ringing sound in your ears

If you start hearing loss, you can prevent more damage by reducing a lot of loud noise. If your problem is severe enough, you can think of getting immediate treatment. Be sure to see your doctor if you suddenly feel a change in your hearing that cannot be explained. It could be a symptom of a serious medical problem.


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Watch a Music Concert? Don't Stand Near the Speaker!
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