Other Ways to Treat Hernias Other Than Surgery


Medical Video: Hiatus hernia: signs, symptoms and treatment

A hernia is a disease that occurs when there are organs in the body that suppress and stick out through weak muscle tissue or surrounding tissue. Muscles are usually strong enough to hold the body's organs so they remain in their respective locations. The weakening of the muscle so that it cannot hold the nearby organs will result in a hernia. The surgical procedure is usually performed if the hernia does not heal within 4-5 years. However, it turns out there is a hernia drug that can overcome the hernia without operating procedures. Check out the following review.

Medication for hernias without surgical procedures

Weakening of the stomach wall disease is often considered trivial because it rarely has symptoms. However, hernias can also cause intestinal disorders or obstructed blood flow in the squeezed hernia tissue. However, there are also types of hernias that do not require surgery. For example, umbilical hernias that usually heal themselves and hiatus hernias can sometimes be treated with medication. If the surgical procedure is too frightening for you. Maybe you can consider the hernia drug as follows which is certainly not surgery.

1. Change your lifestyle

If you experience symptoms of a hernia, the most important thing to do is change your unhealthy lifestyle. Diet is the easiest hernia medicine you can do. You must pay attention to your body weight, especially if you are overweight.

According to research, changes in diet can be a hiatal hernia drug. You also have to avoid foods that cause stomach acid and heat in the stomach.

2. Regular exercise

Research conducted by the American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy states that hernias can be cured with regular exercise. This study was carried out after observing hockey players who had hernia doing regular treatment with stretching and regular exercise. Exercise that focuses on strengthening the abdominal muscles has been shown to protect abdominal muscle tissue from increased suppression that occurs due to activities or other causes.

3. Yogurt

This fermented milk, has been very well known to have many benefits. You can start eating yogurt if you experience symptoms of a hernia to relieve pain from a hernia. You can choose low-fat yogurt. Another added value for yogurt is easily obtained. Yogurt is usually very recommended to be included in the diet menu of people with hiatal hernias.

Abstinence during a hernia

Most importantly if you experience symptoms of a hernia, you should avoid lifting objects that are so heavy. If it can't be avoided, learn the correct way to lift the heavy object. You might try this hernia medicine for those of you who are afraid of the operating procedure. It's good to immediately consult your hernia, if you feel an extraordinary increase in pain. If the condition of your hernia is too severe, maybe the surgery is the only way.

Other Ways to Treat Hernias Other Than Surgery
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