Overcome Itchy Skin Ringworm With 6 Natural Remedies at Home


Medical Video: Tips from a Pediatrician : How to Get Rid of Ringworm on Kids

Ringworm, or what is also known as ringworm, is a skin disease caused by a fungal infection (tinea). Red, scaly, and itchy patches on the skin are some typical signs of ringworm. Anyone can easily be exposed to this infectious disease, especially groups of people whose immune systems are weak. Apart from medical drugs, there are some natural ringworm drugs that can help cure symptoms.

What are the natural remedies for ringworm?

Before using a wide selection of natural ringworm drugs, make sure you have cleaned the skin area with soap and water first.

1. Apple vinegar

the efficacy of apple vinegar

Apple vinegar is believed to have strong anti-fungal properties, so it can help treat various diseases caused by fungi. How to use it by rubbing cotton that has been soaked in apple cider vinegar on your skin that has ringworm. Do it regularly for three times a day.

2. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a natural ringworm drug because it contains antiseptic agents that can fight fungi, bacteria and viruses. In addition, aloe vera also causes a cold sensation when used so that it soothes itchy, inflamed, swollen skin.

Apply aloe gel directly to the skin that has ringworm for three to four times a day.

3. Coconut oil

the efficacy of coconut oil

Coconut oil is believed to be able to kill fungal cells thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. Some studies also show that the use of coconut oil can treat mild to moderate skin infections.

How to use it is easy, you just need to warm the coconut oil until it melts and then immediately apply it to the problematic area of ​​the skin. Repeat this three times a day.

4. Turmeric

turmeric for babies

There is no doubt that turmeric is a popular spice known for its anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial properties. This is all thanks to the content of curcumin compounds in it.

The rules for using turmeric to deal with ringworm are not difficult, you can mix turmeric powder with a little water to form a paste. Next apply directly to the skin and leave it to dry, then rinse thoroughly.

5. Tea tree oil

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has long been (tea tree oil) known to be effective for treating skin fungal infections thanks to its antifungal and antibacterial properties.

It's not difficult, really, you can apply tea tree oil directly to the ringworm for two or three times per day using cotton. If your skin is classified as sensitive, you should first mix it with the carrier oil.

6. oregano oil

Oregano oil is also effective in treating fungal skin infections, because it contains two strong antifungal agents, thymol and carvacrol. How to use it by mixing a few drops of oregano oil with carrier oil, then apply it three times a day.

If symptoms don't improve within 2 weeks, you should immediately see a doctor. Also pay attention to the people closest to you, also experience the same symptoms. It is feared that this disease has spread to other family members.

Because in some cases, ringworm can not be overcome at all with natural ingredients and must be treated by a doctor immediately. If you are in doubt, consult your doctor immediately.

Overcome Itchy Skin Ringworm With 6 Natural Remedies at Home
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