People with Skin Disease Psoriasis Risk of Heart Attack


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At a glance, psoriasis may look like an ordinary skin disease that only attacks the outside of the body. Apparently, the researchers found that psoriasis has a relationship with organs in the body, even increasing the risk of various health problems. One thing that is quite surprising is the fact that this disease can increase the risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease of the skin that is characterized by the division of skin cells which is almost 10 times faster than normal conditions. As a result, inflammation of the skin causes discomfort, itching, and sores.

One of the obvious effects of psoriasis is the formation of reddish plaques. This reddish plaque is the result of the accumulation of dead skin cells due to skin cells that continuously divide at an abnormal rate. Usually, this reddish plaque is seen on the knees, elbows, heels, and scalp.

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Psoriasis can be caused by various factors, ranging from emotional stress and trauma, to bacterial infections Streptococcus. However, today, research shows that immune system abnormalities (autoimmune) can also be a factor that causes a person to develop psoriasis. In the long term, psoriasis is not only related to chronic skin diseases, but also can increase the risk of various diseases related to the heart and blood vessels.

If the symptoms are only on the skin, how can psoriasis affect the heart?

Just like other autoimmune diseases, psoriasis also causes the patient's immune system to overreact to foreign bodies in the body which are considered a threat. Excessive immune reactions cause inflammation in parts or all parts of the body. The form of inflammation in people with psoriasis varies, starting from the appearance of reddish spots on the skin throughout the body (psoriatic arthritis), to the possibility of blood vessel inflammation, which can lead to atherosclerosis, which is narrowing or hardening of the arteries.

Atherosclerosis is a buildup of fatty compounds called plaques, in the walls of arteries. The presence of these plaques will slow down, even blocking, blood flow to the heart. The inhibition of blood flow to the heart will increase the risk of various heart diseases and the possibility of a heart attack.

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In general, people with psoriasis have a risk of having a heart attack three times greater than those who do not suffer from psoriasis. Refer to British Journal of Dermatology, patients who suffer from psoriasis also have the possibility of an increased risk of coronary heart disease. In addition, research by researchers from Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark also showed that people with psoriasis had a 54% chance of having a stroke and 21% having a greater heart attack than people who did not have skin problems.

Not only the disease, the treatment of psoriasis can also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. One oral drug that can be used to reduce the effects of psoriasis, namely acitretin or soriatane, has an effect on cholesterol and triglyceride levels (fat compounds) in the body. Consumption of acitretin or soriatane can increase cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. This causes cholesterol in the body to become unstable so that it can harden the arteries and increase the chances of a heart attack.

How to reduce the risk of heart disease in psoriasis sufferers?

  • Exercise regularly for 75-150 minutes every week
  • Stop smoking
  • Reducing and regulating stress
  • Reducing consumption of fatty foods
  • Reduce consumption of foods that contain lots of sodium (eg salt)
  • Eating healthy foods
  • Reducing weight
  • Eating foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids

When to contact a doctor?

Consultation with a doctor is highly recommended to find out about skin conditions due to psoriasis and the health of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, psoriasis sufferers must be careful and responsive in observing signs of a heart attack, including pain in the chest, arms and neck; shortness of breath; and continuous fatigue. When psoriasis sufferers experience some of the signs that have been mentioned, immediately check with the medical personnel concerned.

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People with Skin Disease Psoriasis Risk of Heart Attack
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