Recognize 3 Symptoms of Crohn's Disease Only Women Feel


Medical Video: 5 Common Signs of Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease is a digestive system disorder characterized by chronic intestinal inflammation. But unlike common appendicitis, Crohn's disease can cause different symptoms in men and women. What are the symptoms of Crohn's disease that is usually experienced by women? Here's the explanation.

Common symptoms of Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease can cause various symptoms. Can be severe, mild, even without symptoms at all until the condition worsens. For that, you need to know what are the common symptoms of Crohn's disease that might occur. Among others:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea.
  • Rectal bleeding (bleeding from the anus; bloody bowel).
  • Fever.
  • Decreased appetite and reduced body weight.
  • Easily tired.

Then, what are the symptoms that only appear in women?

abdominal pain during menstrual menstruation

In addition to common symptoms as above, women also experience other symptoms, such as:

1. Irregular menstruation

Even though it attacks the digestive system, it turns out Crohn's disease also has an impact on your menstrual cycle. Chronic inflammation inhibits the work of the intestine to absorb nutrients so it interferes with the production of hormones in the body related to the menstrual cycle.

In addition, stress that indirectly arises from this disease also contributes to making your periods more irregular.

In most women, irregular menstrual cycles can have an impact on fertility. That is, it is likely that women with Crohn's disease are more difficult to conceive than other women.

Generally, fertility problems are more common in women who do not experience specific symptoms other than irregular menses.

2. Iron deficiency

Crohn's disease makes it difficult for your body to absorb nutrients from food. This is what makes women with Crohn more at risk of developing iron deficiency anemia than other women.

The risk of iron deficiency also occurs due to intestinal bleeding due to Crohn's disease which further disrupts iron absorption from food.

If you have Crohn's disease accompanied by bleeding during heavy menstruation, you may need additional medication to prevent iron deficiency.

3. Pain during sex

Many women do not realize that pain during sex (dyspareunia) can be a symptom of Crohn's disease. This condition usually occurs when inflammation of the intestine has spread to the area of ​​the anus and vagina.

Dyspareunia can also indicate the formation of a fistula (an abnormal channel that develops between two organs).

Recognize 3 Symptoms of Crohn's Disease Only Women Feel
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