Cervical Cancer Stadium Stages You Need to Beware of


Medical Video: Cervical Cancer Staging

Cervical cancer is one of the many causes of death in women. However, because often it does not cause symptoms many women do not realize if he has suffered cervical cancer. Only when examined, cervical cancer is in an advanced stage that is difficult to treat. The following stages of cervical cancer stage you need to know.

Stage of cervical cancer stage

Stage of cervical cancer is grouped based on the level of the main tumor, the spread of cancer to nearby lymph nodes, and the spread of cancer to other parts of the body that are far from where the initial cancer develops. Based on this, the spread of cancer cells is grouped into four stages.

Reporting from the American Cancer Society, the following is the stage of cervical cancer stage:

Stage 0

At this stage, cancer cells only exist in cells on the outer surface of the cervix. These cancer cells have not attacked deeper cervical tissue.

Stage I

At this stage, cancer cells have attacked the cervix but do not grow outside the uterus. Cancer cells have not spread to lymph nodes that are nearby or spread to farther places. Stage 1 is further divided into several groups, namely:

IA Stadium: This is the initial form of stage 1. Small amounts of cancer cells have attacked the cervix and this can only be seen under a microscope. Stage 1A is further divided into:

  • Stage IA1: Cancer cells have attacked the cervical tissue with a depth of <3 mm and have a width of <7 mm
  • Stage IA2: Cancer cells already exist in cervical tissue with a depth between 3-5 mm and width <7 mm

IB Stadium: Cancer cells can be seen without the aid of a microscope. The size of cancer cells is greater than that of stage 1A, but still spreads only in cervical tissue. Stage 1B is divided into:

  • Stage IB1: Cancer can be seen and has a size of ≤4 cm
  • Stadium IB2: The cancer cell size is greater than 4 cm

Stage II

At this stage, the cancer has spread beyond the cervix and uterus, but has not spread to the pelvic wall or the lower part of the vagina. Cancer cells also have not spread to the closest lymph nodes or to other distant body parts.

Stage IIA: At this stage, the cancer has not spread to the tissue near the cervix, but the cancer may have spread to the upper part of the vagina (not the whole vagina). This stage is further divided into:

  • Stage IIA1: Cancer can be seen but still not greater than 4 cm
  • Stage IIA2: Cancer is greater than 4 cm

Stage IIB: Cancer has spread to tissues around the cervix.

infographic for cervical hellosehat cancer stage

Stage III

The cancer has spread to the lower part of the vagina or pelvic wall and may block the urethra. However, cancer cells have not spread to the nearest lymph nodes or to other parts of the body that are farther away. This stadium is divided into:

Stage IIIA: The cancer has spread to the lower third of the vagina but does not reach the pelvic wall.

Stage IIIB: There are two possible conditions in this stage IIIB, namely:

  1. The cancer has grown to reach the pelvic wall and / or has blocked one or both of the urethra. This can then cause kidney problems.
  2. The cancer has spread to lymph nodes around the pelvis but not to distant parts of the body. Tumors in stage IIIB can be of various sizes and may have spread to the lower part of the vagina or pelvic wall.

Stage IV

This is the final stage of cervical cancer. Cancer not only attacks the cervix, but also to the closest part of the cervix or to other body parts that are even far from the cervix. This stadium is divided into:

Stage IVA: Cancer cells have spread to the bladder or to the rectum, both of which are the closest organs to the cervix. However, at this stage the cancer cells have not spread to the nearest lymph nodes or to other body parts.

Stage IVB: Cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body that are far from the cervix, such as to the lungs or liver.

Cervical Cancer Stadium Stages You Need to Beware of
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