The 4 Most Common Ways of Herpes Transmission Happen (Is One of the Lending and Borrowing Tools?)


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Herpes simplex is one type of disease that is widespread. Even according to data recorded by the World Health Organization (WHO), there are hundreds of millions to billions of people in the world who have herpes. This means that transmission of herpes simplex is very worrying. For this reason, you need to learn about which diseases caused by infection with this virus are transmitted. See the full information below, yes.

Get to know the types of herpes simplex virus

Outside of herpes simplex, you may have heard of herpes zoster or commonly known as snakepox. Shingles is caused by infection with the varicella zoster virus.

However, at present herpes simplex is the type of herpes which is the most common case. Herpes simplex itself is still divided into two types based on the virus that causes it.

The first type is herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). This type of herpes usually attacks the mouth and lips area. You can observe the symptoms including reddish pimples that contain fluid or pus.

The second type of herpes simplex is caused by type 2 herpes simplex virus (HSV-2). This disease attacks the genital and anal areas, both men and women. The signs can be pain when urinating or having sex.

It is not possible to ascertain what type of herpes virus attacks except through laboratory tests. Because, sometimes HSV-1 can also cause the appearance of genital herpes nodules such as HSV-2.

Various ways of transmitting herpes simplex

Like other types of viruses, both HSV-1 and HSV-2 are also very vulnerable to move from one person to another. What are the methods of transmission of herpes simplex in humans? Here is the explanation.

1. Physical contact with someone who has herpes

You can contract herpes if you come in direct contact (skin to skin) with someone who has herpes. The possibility of transmission of herpes, especially when pimples have just appeared, is already filled with fluid, even after the nodules have healed from the skin, face or genital area.

People who have not shown symptoms in the form of pimples but have been infected with the herpes simplex virus can also still transmit the disease. However, this case is indeed very rare.

2. Having sex

Doing sex penetration (penis to vagina) with a partner who has herpes can make you infected. Aside from penetration, oral or anal sex is also a cause of herpes simplex transmission. Especially if you have sex without a condom.

If you or your partner has herpes, do not use sex toys alternately. The herpes simplex virus is generally unable to live on the surface of inanimate objects. However, sex toys that are still wet by sperm or vaginal fluid may be an intermediary for the virus to move to a partner.

3. Kiss

Yes, transmission of herpes simplex can occur through touch of lips or kiss. Especially if you or your partner has HSV-1 that attacks the mouth and lips area. This is because the herpes simplex virus is very easily transmitted through a fairly moist area.

So you should avoid kissing or kissing other people if you have herpes simples, especially HSV-1.

4. Normal childbirth

If a woman has HSV-2 in the vagina, she has the possibility of transmitting the herpes virus to her normal-born baby. This is indeed rare. However, it never hurts to consult with your obstetrician to prevent possible transmission of herpes to your baby during childbirth later.

Is it possible to contract herpes because of sharing toiletries or eating?

The herpes virus cannot live long on the surface of inanimate matter. Especially if the object is dry. So, the chances of you contracting herpes through objects that are used up by people with herpes are very small.

You may mix your clothes with someone who has herpes in the same washing machine. This is because as long as the clothes are washed, the virus will die. So later when you wear these clothes, there are no more viruses that can be transmitted to you.

So is the case with eating utensils such as plates and spoons. As long as it is not used interchangeably, toiletries and cutlery may be washed together because it will not transmit the virus.

The 4 Most Common Ways of Herpes Transmission Happen (Is One of the Lending and Borrowing Tools?)
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