What should I know about caring for a 33-month-old child?


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Development & Behavior

How should my child develop on the 33rd month?

The wild imagination has begun to introduce it to monsters, dragons, ghosts, and other mysterious creatures in the dark, so fear of darkness often happens.

The ability to count starts when your child counts steps. Initially children can recognize one, then more than one (although they do not know whether it is 2 or 6). At the age of 2 years, children can count to 2, and at the age of 3 years, he can count to 3, but if he can count to 10, maybe he actually does not understand and recognize the amount he calls.

How can I help my child develop on the 33rd month?

To calm your frightened child:

  • Don't underestimate his fear. Don't tease and laugh at your child's fantasies that scare him.
  • Don't use logic. The logical explanation is that it is impossible for monsters to live in a closet that will not make him sure. Look at the closet from your child's perspective. There might be a strange shadow that looks like a spider web, which scared him.
  • Turn on the light. Calming nightlight or light from the front hallway can calm him.
  • Give more affection. Fear often means anxiety in your child's life; he may only need your hugs and arms. A pleasant and safe sleeping routine before entering the blanket is also important.

The best way to prepare your child's math skills is not to teach counting and addition, but by tucking in the numbers in his days. Reading a lot of books helps him develop pre-reading and makes him understand the number symbols on the pages of the book actually have a certain meaning. Count steps when walking or counting blocks while playing. Provide puzzles in various forms (circles, squares, triangles); recognize this form is another type of pre-reading.

Health & Safety

What should I discuss with a doctor on the 33rd month?

Bedwetting can interfere with your child's deep sleep. It is not clear why some children cannot sleep without bedwetting, but this often happens, especially in boys and children who are in the process of toilet training. Theory says several causes are due to deep sleep, small bladder, and slow development of the central nervous system. Bedwetting can also be caused by genetic factors. Come to the doctor for advice.

What should I know on the 33rd month?

If you feel your child is talking late or suddenly stops developing or has a setback, tell your doctor. Hearing screening and assessment of speech-language disorders can find out if there are other disorders such as deafness and early intervention can be done to help him.

My attention

What should I pay attention on the 33rd month?

Sometimes your child has a mild fever. Maybe because the last milk tooth, "second molar", usually grows between 20 and 33 months. Molar teeth tend to be more painful because these teeth are large. This can even make a child who is calm while sleeping awakes crying at night.

How will your child grow next month?

What should I know about caring for a 33-month-old child?
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