6 of the deadliest types of cancer in Indonesia


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Cancer is the third leading cause of death in Indonesia, according to WHO. The first rank is occupied by heart disease, and the second rank is occupied by infectious, maternal, perinatal, and nutritional conditions. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, more than 30% of cancer deaths are caused by five behavioral and dietary risk factors, namely high body mass index, lack of fruit and vegetable consumption, lack of physical activity, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption.

The deadliest types of cancer in Indonesia

Here are six of the deadliest types of cancer in Indonesia, calculated based on the number of deaths caused. This list is sorted from the sixth position to the first position with the highest number of deaths.

6. Prostate cancer

Deaths in Indonesia according to WHO 2014: 9,176 people

A man is more likely to get prostate cancer after the age of 50 years. Doctors usually find this type of cancer in men older than 65 years. This cancer is usually more common among Africans compared to whites, Asians, or Hispanics, but experts don't know why.

This disease can attack a male family. Some gene changes can also cause it. Men who eat a lot of red meat or high-fat dairy products (with little fruits and vegetables) are more at risk for prostate cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. A man must do a blood test to check further about PSA (prostate-specific antigen) He can also do digital rectal tests, where the doctor inserts a gloved finger into the buttocks and feels whether the prostate area hardens, clots or feels abnormal.

If your doctor is worried about your results, chances are he uses a small needle to take a sample, or "biopsy" in the area to check for cancer. He may also be able to use UDG to see tumors. If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, then it is very good. Why? Because it means, this deadly disease has been detected earlier. Almost all men can survive 5 years after being diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer.

This cancer usually grows slowly and stays in the same area where it appears. However, when it has spread to other regions, it will move quickly. So, when the doctor discovers that your cancer has spread, your chances of survival will be very small.

5. Cervical cancer

Deaths in Indonesia according to WHO 2014: 9,491 people

Cervical cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, not only in Indonesia but also throughout the world. Human papillomavirus is a virus that causes cervical cancer, but not all of these viruses cause cancer. Some of them can cause genital warts, and some don't even cause any symptoms. That is why it is important for women to take Pap smear tests regularly. Pap tests can find changes in cervical cells before they turn into cancer.

If you take care of these cell changes from the beginning, you can prevent cervical cancer. If you are exposed to an advanced stage, you still have a 70% chance of living for the next 5 years. However, when the cancer has spread, the chance of life will decrease to below 20%. Recurrent cervical cancer even brings a lower chance of survival.

4. Liver cancer

Death in Indonesia according to WHO 2014: 12,681 people

The risk of developing primary liver cancer is twice as large in men and women with an average age of 67 years. The causes of liver cancer are usually from birth defects, alcohol abuse, or chronic infections with diseases such as hepatitis B and C, hemochromatosis (hereditary diseases associated with too much iron in the liver), and cirrhosis. More than half of all people with primary liver cancer have cirrhosis. Liver cancer can also be linked to obesity and fatty liver disease (fatty liver).

Because the liver consists of several types of cells, several types of tumors can form there. Some are benign (not cancer) tumors, and some are cancerous and can spread to other body parts. The prospect of health or recovery depends on the type of tumor you have.

Patients with early-stage tumors that can be removed surgically will have the opportunity to live in the long term. Unfortunately, most liver cancer cannot be operated on when diagnosed, either because the cancer is too malignant or the liver is too sick to accept surgery.

3. Colorectal cancer (intestine)

Death in Indonesia according to WHO 2014: 18,389 people

Age is one reason. Your chance of getting the risk of colon cancer increases with age. You will be more likely to have this type of cancer if you have congenital, often drinking alcohol, smoking, or obesity. You must take a test screening earlier so the possibility of survival is better.

However, many people don't do the test. Therefore, early cancer is found in less than half of people with colon cancer. Most people (more than 90%) live at least 5 years after learning that they have colorectal cancer that is in its early stages.

2. Breast cancer

Death in Indonesia according to WHO 2014: 19,731 people

Apart from gender, age is also important for this type of cancer. Breast cancer is most common after menopause. You are also more likely to get this disease if you have a congenital disease, have certain gene changes, are obese, consume alcohol, have dense breasts, experience first menstruation before the age of 11, start menopause late, have never been pregnant or first pregnant aged 35 years, has undergone "combination" hormone replacement therapy, or has been exposed to radiation.

Like other cancers, as soon as possible cancer is found, the better. Almost all women who know they have stage I breast cancer can still live 5 years later. Just as 93% of those affected by stage II breast cancer, 72% of those affected by stage III, and 22% of those affected by stage IV.

1. Cancer of the lungs, trachea and bronchi

Death in Indonesia according to WHO 2014: 30,866 people

In Indonesia, lung, trachea and bronchial cancers consume many lives both men and women. For men, this cancer is ranked first with a total male death of 22,476 people. This type of cancer is cancer that starts in the lungs and spreads to other parts of your body.

Smoking is the biggest cause of this disease. It is responsible for around 85% of all cases. However, passive smoking can also be affected by this biggest deadly disease. People who live with a smoker are 20% to 30% more likely to get lung cancer than those who live in smoke-free homes.


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6 of the deadliest types of cancer in Indonesia
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