Treatment Options for Annoying Yellow Eyes


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Normally, other than the part of the cornea which is usually black or brown, the other parts of the eye will be white. However, if suddenly the color of the eye turns yellow, you must be suspicious. This can be a sign of a particular health problem. Then what makes the eyes turn yellow? How to cure yellow eyes?

Causes of yellow eyes

yellow eyes
Source: NHS UK

There are many causes that can make a person's eyes turn yellow. Most are related to problems in the gallbladder, liver, or pancreas. Problems in these organs can make the body become excess substances called bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a residual substance that is broken down by red blood cells that are yellow.

Well, because of this pile of bilirubin, the color of the eye can turn yellow, as does the skin color that turns yellow. Usually, yellow skin or eyes are considered a symptom of hyperbilirubin or excessive bilirubin in the blood.

People who experience this condition should immediately consult a doctor to prevent ongoing complications.

How to treat yellow eyes?

take medication for schizophrenia

The best way to overcome this changing eye color is to cure the root cause. Mostly, this condition is caused by infections such as hepatitis C or malaria. Well, if it's because of an infection, you need antibiotics, antifungals, or antivirals.

While yellow eyes can also be caused by genetic abnormalities, namely crescent anemia which must be treated by routine blood transfusions.

In addition, lifestyles like drinking too much alcohol and using illegal drugs can damage the liver to cause yellow eye symptoms. If indeed the result of this, then what must be done is to stop and overcome the existing addiction.

If liver damage is severe, the doctor will recommend a liver transplant.

Yellow eyes can also be caused by pancreatitis, if this happens then hospitalization is needed at the hospital. This treatment is done to treat the pancreas which is swollen and inflamed so that the condition of the stomach is sore, and the yellow eyes and skin can turn white again.

In addition, yellow eyes can also be caused by leptospirosis, a rare infection caused by the bacterium Leptospira. People who experience this condition will experience coughing, sore throat, muscle aches, swollen lymph, including yellowing of the eyes. A powerful treatment for dealing with this bacterial infection is using antibiotics.

Yellow eyes can also be found in newborns. Babies who experience this require intensive medical care in the hospital and multiply breastfeeding sessions as much as 8-12 times a day. That way the healing process will be faster.

Home care for yellow eyes

drink water after eating

To support treatment, the symptoms of yellow eyes can heal and disappear, you have to change your lifestyle.

Here are some tips that you can do at home:

  • Keep your body hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses per day.
  • Eat foods that contain high fiber in whole fruits (not juices), vegetables, nuts and seeds
  • Eat a source of protein that is very low in fat, such as fish meat, tofu, breast chicken without skin, tempeh, nuts.
  • Avoid foods that are rich in saturated fat and trans fat
  • Avoid packaged foods
  • Avoid simple carbohydrates found in cakes, sweets, cookies
  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Stop smoking or use tobacco products
  • Exercise regularly
  • Misuse prescription drugs

Apart from lifestyle changes, there are some natural remedies that can help with yellow eyes or jaundice. However, the effectiveness of these materials is still relatively weak based on research.

Treatment Options for Annoying Yellow Eyes
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